What cards are in the theme decks from Plasma Storm?

RE: Whats in the theme decks for plasma storm

2 Colress and 1 Hypnotic laser in both, that's all I can remember besides the face cards, depending on how much those or worth that might make the theme decks actually worth $15 or it might make Hypnotic lasers worth less.
RE: Whats in the theme decks for plasma storm

r3skyline said:
itll make the lasers worth less.

I, too, would like to know the contents--if anyone could post the deck's lists it would be very helpful!
RE: Whats in the theme decks for plasma storm

r3skyline said:
itll make the lasers worth less.

It didn't work with Blastoise, the demand will be the same. Especially since its an uncommon.
RE: Whats in the theme decks for plasma storm

I'll probably buy one or both of the theme decks if they have HTL. This is relieving news.
I took pics of both lists using my 3DS. I attached them to this post.


  • 004.JPG
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  • 005.JPG
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Other than the Lasers and Colress, I don't think those decks have any competitive merit. That's just me though.
Well theme decks aren't meant to be competitive. They're just there to give new players a good base to work off of
charizard87 said:
They're just there to give new players a good base to work off of

In theory, yes.

In practice, the theme decks have never really done that.

Sure, a couple good Trainers/Supporters is nice to have from the new set. But in the grand scheme of things, theme decks have never really provided what I would consider a new player would want starting this game (considering most of the Trainers are usually Energy Search, Potion and the cruddy like). If I was starting back into the game, I'd be really frustrated because I would have to buy max of the staples anyway.

Don't get me wrong, the Hypnotoxic Laser and Colress are great additions, but this would be a much better Trainer lineup (obviously cutting the abundant Pokemon that nobody really needs).

2x Colress
2x Professor Juniper
2x N
2x Bianca
2x Ultra Ball
2x Escape Rope
1x Pokemon Catcher
1x Hypnotoxic Laser
1x Switch

That would be a much better "base" to start the game off with IMO. Obviously it could be even better, but this should really be the theme deck norm if they want more people to buy them and get better quickly with a more accessible way to get the best cards.

dmaster out.
The decklists (as a stand-alone, mind you) keep getting weaker and weaker, it seems.

Lots and lots of unfinished evolution lines, and to make those lines worse, what is with those pathetic NFE (not fully evolved... in this deck) stage 1's? Lampent takes the cake (did they forgot to add burn to its attack or something? Surely 20 damage for 2 energy for a 70 HP Pokemon whose only meager benefit is no retreat cost, which disappears as soon as you attach an energy to it, can't be real), but the rest is almost as bad. Grottle's the only NFE stage 1 that can do something. And those NFE basics definitely don't help.
GamerXYZ said:
The decklists (as a stand-alone, mind you) keep getting weaker and weaker, it seems.

Lots and lots of unfinished evolution lines, and to make those lines worse, what is with those pathetic NFE (not fully evolved... in this deck) stage 1's? Lampent takes the cake (did they forgot to add burn to its attack or something? Surely 20 damage for 2 energy for a 70 HP Pokemon whose only meager benefit is no retreat cost, which disappears as soon as you attach an energy to it, can't be real), but the rest is almost as bad. Grottle's the only NFE stage 1 that can do something. And those NFE basics definitely don't help.

The litwick line is incomplete to allow for customization by adding the Chandelure you pull from boosters into it. NFE's exist so that new players can complete the evolutionary line. It allows for some flexibility, by completely removing one line, and completing another.

TPCi isn't going to hold your hand while you build your deck. Theme decks are supposed to suck, so that new players can improve on it.

Oh, and also the 5 rare limit. Before HS Undaunted, they had 3 rares, just be glad they bumped it up to 5 rares.

From my previous experiences with theme decks, they are playable, just not competitive.