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  1. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” English Set Revealed for March: Silver Borders, Three Holos Per Pack, Price Increases

    My god, finally, silver border!!!! Horrendous choice for the energies. But by far the most disappointing thing here is the confirmation of all Teras just having bench barrier instead of it being like Ancient Traits, that's a REAL bummer, it's a whole layer of complexity that could've been...
  2. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet ex” and “Violet ex” Sets Officially Revealed!

    The way you phrase it you makes it seem like it's just a Vmax or Tag Team that gives up less prizes, it's not. Being a stage 2 is an obvious hindrance to be considered in a comparison. Also, "at least they gave up 3 prize cards", that was a bad thing, not a good one, is what made the games so...
  3. Diego Lima

    First “Scarlet ex & Violet ex” Cards Revealed: The Beginning of the Gen 9 TCG!

    The Ancient Trait route is a good design choice, it doesn't matter that it has been done before, it brings an additional layer of design space to cards. lvl X is cool but you can't have all at the same time, I think for lvl X to make sense again they would have to first tone down the numbers...
  4. Diego Lima

    First “Scarlet ex & Violet ex” Cards Revealed: The Beginning of the Gen 9 TCG!

    It is that... It's just that Arcanine has a fire hat, but mons with different hats will have the types of the hats.
  5. Diego Lima

    First “Scarlet ex & Violet ex” Cards Revealed: The Beginning of the Gen 9 TCG!

    I love the Arcanine card, I think the graphic design is sick, and they managed to hide the stupid hat almost entirely, the crystal look is pretty sick without it actually. Also love that they'll have Ancient Traits, so now I'm curious to see them with different types, that will 100% be sick...
  6. Diego Lima

    First “Scarlet ex & Violet ex” Cards Revealed: The Beginning of the Gen 9 TCG!

    And I hate that. It's just lazy design on their part, they should to give us more puzzly ways to draw cards, make us work for it, build engines, etc, not have a "dump your hand, here's a new one" red button in the formof a card. Boss is even more egregious, gust effects should be unique and more...
  7. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    That has been exactly my point and my gripe here you absolute tool.
  8. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    Again, that's exactly my whole point. Having a different opinion is fine, right? So why is some self-righteous douche calling for people to ignore a specific type or share of equally valid opinions? I don't have a problem with people liking it, I have a problem with the idea that if someone...
  9. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    What's your point? I dislike an overwhelming majority of the designs, am I suppose to sugarcoat it? What percentage am I allowed to dislike? Sure, not everything has to be amazing or terrible, in fact nothing has to be anything, things can just be what they are, and that's my point, I speak my...
  10. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    The one redeming quality of all this is that with all the future, past, regional, whatever wigglet is, etc, is that this era of the TCG should be pretty interesting if they do things correctly. This of course, is on top of all the positive things we already saw, with the exs being back, and...
  11. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    Positive notes for me: Scovillain, Ancient Donphan, Volcarona and Salamence, the knight duo, are designs that I like here.
  12. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    I know talking about stupidity in this day and age is redundant, but this specific brand of stupidity that manifests itself as this stilted, unnatural, inauthentic, and forced "positivity" is particularly idiotic, my god. It's the same thing in music, a band releases a new album, and it's just...
  13. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    Pawmi's evos each have less personality than the previous form. It's evolving, just backwards.
  14. Diego Lima

    “Scarlet & Violet” New Pokemon List, Stats, Version Exclusives, and More! (SPOILERS)

    The Sprigatito line completely baffles me, why did they signal such cuteness on the first evo, only to go completely dark on the other ones? Like, wtf. There's a reason all the great fakes people made when Sprigatito was revealed have more or less the same vibe...because that's the vibe...
  15. Diego Lima

    “2022 World Championship Decks” to Release!

    Who gives a flying f. Outside sanctioned events, anyone who cares about proxies is a tool.
  16. Diego Lima

    Special Art Rare Deoxys VSTAR from ‘VSTAR Universe’!

    Holy f that's a sick card
  17. Diego Lima

    Meet Gimmighoul, the Coin Chest Pokemon

    It's like that video explaining the change in design philosophy. They use various examples, this one being the most glaring imo: They also say that one of the possible reasons for this nonsense is that it's easier to make plushies and toys when they look more like...
  18. Diego Lima

    Pokemon TCG Live Expected to Launch Globally Next Month!

    It's about time they made a second eternal format. It's like in Magic, I loved modern in the past, but eternal formats tend to devolve into degeneracy as time progresses and broken cards/interactions pile up. I don't think doing what Magic did with pioneer would be enough for pokemon though, the...
  19. Diego Lima

    Pokemon TCG Live Expected to Launch Globally Next Month!

    Even though it's still a major improvement over the first iteration, I still hate the look of it, it has that mobile game look to it, whereas the current client has that "life-like" quality to it, where it just feels like you're playing the actual game in a table, that I love.