Special Art Rare Deoxys VSTAR from ‘VSTAR Universe’!

Love this art. I remember when they revealed the VMAX & VStar decks I had hoped they’d have special arts like the Gengar/Inteleon decks did. Here’s hoping they do the same for Aggron VMAX since he was introduced in Start Deck 100.
Love this art. I remember when they revealed the VMAX & VStar decks I had hoped they’d have special arts like the Gengar/Inteleon decks did. Here’s hoping they do the same for Aggron VMAX since he was introduced in Start Deck 100.
Love aggron, hope you're right!
Crown Zenith's Galarian Gallery so far
[01*] AR Hisuian Voltorb (Astral Radiance)
[02*] AR Kricketune (Astral Radiance)
[03*] AR Magmortar (Brilliant Stars)
[04*] AR Oricorio (Fusion Strike)

[05*] AR Lapras (???)
[06*] AR Manaphy (Brilliant Stars)
[07*] AR Keldeo (Astral Radiance)

[08*] AR Electivire (Brilliant Stars)
[09*] AR Toxtricity (Fusion Strike)

[10*] AR Mew (Celebrations)
[11*] AR Lunatone (Pokémon Go)
[12*] AR Deoxys (Fusion Strike)
[13*] AR Diancie (Pokémon Go)
[14*] AR Comfey (Lost Origin)

[15*] AR Solrock (Pokémon Go)
[16*] AR Absol (Astral Radiance)
[17*] unrevealed
[18*] unrevealed

[19*] AR Altaria (Evolving Skies)
[20*] AR Latias (Fusion Strike)
[21*] AR Hisuian Goodra (Lost Origin)

[22*] AR Ditto (Pokémon Go)
[23*] AR Dunsparce (Fusion Strike)
[24*] AR Miltank (Astral Radiance)
[25*] AR Bibarel (Brilliant Stars)

[??] AR Swablu (Evolving Skies)
[??] AR Turtwig (Brilliant Stars)
[??] AR Duskull (Brilliant Stars)

[??] AR Bidoof (previously unreleased)
[??] AR Riolu (???)
[??] AR Mareep (Evolving Skies)
[32*] AR Paras (Lost Origin)
[??] AR Pikachu (Lost Origin)
[??] AR Poochyena (Astral Radiance)
[35*] SAR Leafeon VSTAR (Promo)
[36*] SAR Entei V (Brilliant Stars)
[37*] SAR Simisear VSTAR (previously unreleased)
[38*] SAR Suicune V (Evolving Skies)
[39*] SAR Lumineon V (Brilliant Stars)
[40*] SAR Glaceon VSTAR (Promo)

[41*] SAR Raikou V (Brilliant Stars)
[42*] SAR Zeraora VMAX (Speculation, Promo)
[43*] SAR Zeraora VSTAR (Promo)
[44*] SAR Mewtwo VSTAR (Pokémon Go)
[45*] SAR Deoxys VMAX (Promo)
[46*] SAR Deoxys VSTAR (Promo)
[47*] SAR Hatterene VMAX (previously unreleased)

[48*] unrevealed
[49*] unrevealed
[50*] unrevealed

[51*] SAR Darkrai VSTAR (Astral Radiance)
[52*] SAR Hisuian Samurott VSTAR (Astral Radiance)

[53*] unrevealed
[54*] unrevealed

[55*] SAR Regigigas VSTAR (previously unreleased)
[56*] SAR Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR (Lost Origin)

[??] unrevealed
[??] SAR Cynthia's Ambition (Brilliant Stars)
[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed

[??] unrevealed

[??] SAR Gardenia's Vigor (Astral Radiance)
[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed

[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed

[??] SAR Raihan (Evolving Skies)
[??] SAR Roxanne (Astral Radiance)

[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed
Crown Zenith's Galarian Gallery so far
[01*] AR Hisuian Voltorb (Astral Radiance)
[02*] AR Kricketune (Astral Radiance)
[03*] AR Magmortar (Brilliant Stars)
[04*] AR Oricorio (Fusion Strike)

[05*] AR Lapras (???)
[06*] AR Manaphy (Brilliant Stars)
[07*] AR Keldeo (Astral Radiance)

[08*] AR Electivire (Brilliant Stars)
[09*] AR Toxtricity (Fusion Strike)

[10*] AR Mew (Celebrations)
[11*] AR Lunatone (Pokémon Go)
[12*] AR Deoxys (Fusion Strike)
[13*] AR Diancie (Pokémon Go)
[14*] AR Comfey (Lost Origin)

[15*] AR Solrock (Pokémon Go)
[16*] AR Absol (Astral Radiance)
[17*] unrevealed
[18*] unrevealed

[19*] AR Altaria (Evolving Skies)
[20*] AR Latias (Fusion Strike)
[21*] AR Hisuian Goodra (Lost Origin)

[22*] AR Ditto (Pokémon Go)
[23*] AR Dunsparce (Fusion Strike)
[24*] AR Miltank (Astral Radiance)
[25*] AR Bibarel (Brilliant Stars)

[??] AR Swablu (Evolving Skies)
[??] AR Turtwig (Brilliant Stars)
[??] AR Duskull (Brilliant Stars)

[??] AR Bidoof (previously unreleased)
[??] AR Riolu (???)
[??] AR Mareep (Evolving Skies)
[32*] AR Paras (Lost Origin)
[??] AR Pikachu (Lost Origin)
[??] AR Poochyena (Astral Radiance)
[35*] SAR Leafeon VSTAR (Promo)
[36*] SAR Entei V (Brilliant Stars)
[37*] SAR Simisear VSTAR (previously unreleased)
[38*] SAR Suicune V (Evolving Skies)
[39*] SAR Lumineon V (Brilliant Stars)
[40*] SAR Glaceon VSTAR (Promo)

[41*] SAR Raikou V (Brilliant Stars)
[42*] SAR Zeraora VMAX (Speculation, Promo)
[43*] SAR Zeraora VSTAR (Promo)
[44*] SAR Mewtwo VSTAR (Pokémon Go)
[45*] SAR Deoxys VMAX (Promo)
[46*] SAR Deoxys VSTAR (Promo)
[47*] SAR Hatterene VMAX (previously unreleased)

[48*] unrevealed
[49*] unrevealed
[50*] unrevealed

[51*] SAR Darkrai VSTAR (Astral Radiance)
[52*] SAR Hisuian Samurott VSTAR (Astral Radiance)

[53*] unrevealed
[54*] unrevealed

[55*] SAR Regigigas VSTAR (previously unreleased)
[56*] SAR Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR (Lost Origin)

[??] unrevealed
[??] SAR Cynthia's Ambition (Brilliant Stars)
[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed

[??] unrevealed

[??] SAR Gardenia's Vigor (Astral Radiance)
[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed

[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed

[??] SAR Raihan (Evolving Skies)
[??] SAR Roxanne (Astral Radiance)

[??] unrevealed
[??] unrevealed
Rip palkia and dialga vstar alts ?
Also looks like typhlosion and decidueye either, that suck
Rip palkia and dialga vstar alts ?
Also looks like typhlosion and decidueye either, that suck
Dialga could still have a place as number 53 or 54 but considering Palkia is not getting one then it pretty means it shouldn't get one too. The other hisuian starters definitely gone. Arceus is also out.
Dialga could still have a place as number 53 or 54 but considering Palkia is not getting one then it pretty means it shouldn't get one too. The other hisuian starters definitely gone. Arceus is also out.
I'm thinking those metal spots are most likely for the dogos right???

"Sword and shield send off"
I'm thinking those metal spots are most likely for the dogos right???

"Sword and shield send off"
Yeah, I think both the missing ARs (17 and 18) and SARs (53 and 54) might be them. Though it would be weird to give them SARs but not Rotom VSTAR considering they all came from the same product.