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  1. MegaButterfree

    New Absol Promo and Classic Energy Reprints for Japan!

    This kind of makes me wonder if, for the first Sun and Moon sets, they will print energy cards with type symbols like those in the recent Japanese trailer (when the three Alola starters "react" to the diamond bracelet thing).
  2. MegaButterfree

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    Who else is hoping for the classic Scyther and Hitmonchan cards?
  3. MegaButterfree

    'Steam Siege,' America's XY11 Set in August!

    Props to Yveltal BREAK for the advanced vocabulary builder. Pokemon has been doing a lot of that lately; now youngsters can know the definitions of words like protean, autotomy, and more. Learning is fun, kids! (and adults)
  4. MegaButterfree

    New Bear Pokemon Kiteruguma and Ghost Pokemon Mimikkyu in 'CoroCoro!'

    These remind me of Digimon...but, hey, the designs are better than Bruxish. So, with this reveal, we just need new Dark, Ground, and Ice types (to complete all the types). Am I forgetting anything?
  5. MegaButterfree

    'Pikachu & New Friends' Blister in November

    Finally, a Pikachu card! ;-)
  6. MegaButterfree

    New 'Sun' and 'Moon' Pokemon Salandit Revealed!

    Let's not leave Hippowdon out of the gender debate (not that there's an actual debate). It could also function like Nidoran...I still tend to think that if there had been genders in gen 1 that Nidoran F and Nidoran M would just be called Nidoran and take up one Pokedex entry. Pure speculation. I...
  7. MegaButterfree

    New 'Sun' and 'Moon' Pokemon Salandit Revealed!

    So, watching this again, its first attack (excluding Toxic) looks to be Flame Burst? The second one, though, I don't have a confident guess looks to be purple-ish, so maybe a Poison-type move, but it doesn't look immediately familiar. Maybe Clear Smog? Any theories or obvious bits I'm...
  8. MegaButterfree

    New 'Sun' and 'Moon' Pokemon Salandit Revealed!

    Very also suggests Sweet Scent in the level-up moveset, as well as Attract (which doesn't matter, since it's usually a TM anyhow). It's an interesting Ability, but I would argue that it's not a game-changer any more than the Poison status already is. I would prefer Corrosion...
  9. MegaButterfree

    2017 Format Rotation Announced!

    I love rotations - it just freshens things up nicely and forces new strategies. Of course, new archetypes and annoyances will always form when old ones exit, and that also keeps each rotation welcome. Personally, I am looking forward to the Sun/Moon and forward rotation. :-)
  10. MegaButterfree

    Cutiefly, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Togedemaru, Bruxish, and Tapu Koko Revealed!

    The way that it shows its Special Attack rising (like a regular stat boosting move such as harden) - versus Marvel Scale, Zen Mode, Overgrow/Torrent/Blaze, etc. (the "softer" kinds of boosts) - I would guess that Frenzy will activate every time you fall from above 50% max HP to below it (well...
  11. MegaButterfree

    Cutiefly, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Togedemaru, Bruxish, and Tapu Koko Revealed!

    Ah, so koala-mon's ability seems a little different than I had anticipated. If I'm reading and inferring correctly, it seems to say that it's always asleep (and presumably can attack while asleep) and that's why it can't be affected by any other status conditions (so the immunity comes from the...
  12. MegaButterfree

    Cutiefly, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Togedemaru, Bruxish, and Tapu Koko Revealed!

    I wonder if Bruxish will come in lots of different color combinations similar Vivillon but less regional and more random like Spinda...
  13. MegaButterfree

    Cutiefly, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Togedemaru, Bruxish, and Tapu Koko Revealed!

    I hope Tapu Koko's ability heralds more usefulness for terrains (weather ball equivalents, combos, etc.).
  14. MegaButterfree

    More 'Sun' and 'Moon' News Arriving on July 1st!

    In addition to everything already mentioned, my guess (based on nothing) is that we might see one or more new mega evolutions, or get hints as to what might replace them if that's the case with the diamond things' significance.
  15. MegaButterfree

    Blog The Elusive Shaymin-EX in the PTCGO

    I have 5 LOCKED Shaymin-EX in my PTCGO account that I wish I could trade...I never use the card (too over-saturated for my tastes).
  16. MegaButterfree

    Pokemon 'Pokemon GO' Question and Answer Session with Developers at E3!

    I live in NYC, so I wonder if I'll be able catch a Rattata in my toilet. (this has actually happened once with a real rat)
  17. MegaButterfree

    'Sun' and 'Moon' Livestream and Coverage from E3!

    I think the description of Pikipek guarantees that it learns Bullet Seed, but I don't think it necessarily indicates it will become part grass type. I would also guess Drill Peck will be in its moveset.
  18. MegaButterfree

    Koala Pokemon 'Nekkoala' and Puppy Pokemon 'Iwanako' Revealed in 'CoroCoro!'

    As of the last three generations, many (though not all) of the new early route Pokémon have been getting better (had higher/usefully imbalanced stats in their final forms): Starly, Shinx, Budew, Purrloin, Lillipup, and Fletchling (even Bunnelby with its hidden ability). So, here's hoping these...
  19. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    I have been wanting a card like Pokémon Ranger. I believe as far as how long it lasts is...well..until either active Pokémon resets effects. Essentially, I think of it in relation to TCGO, removing all current green and red arrows from active Pokémon (brought on by attacks, not abilities or...
  20. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Mega Rayquaza (Dragon type) also does 300 damage And, it's childish I know, but the French set name really makes me think of flatulence.