Did anyone realize the pidgeot or m pidgeot in left of m Gardevoir ? Does that mean Ashs pidgeot is returning ? :O I hope
I hope it mega evolves too 
Am I the only one who noticed the sparkle in the desert on the map (on the first scan)? I wonder what that is all about.
Actually, kinda annoyed at the dog. I mean, love him as a Pokemon, but if it does turn out to be something you encounter everywhere early on, being stuck with normal-type attacks on our starters will make them a real pain.
...Actually, for that reason, I bet we won't find them in the beginning routes.
The Koala Pokemon is interesting. Wouldn't be surprised to see it become part Grass (making a really unique Normal/Grass typing) if it gets evolution(s). It probably will.
Deerling and Sawsbuck just called to say "hi!"...
I know that, 3 Pokemon would still make it a fairly unique typing.
Right right, they changed that. Still, annoying early things are usually Normal (or, yes, Flying, but without Flying moves) for the purpose of not immediately hindering the starter choice. I'd still like to believe that this dog actually becomes something much more special than it already is, and being something relatively rare we find later on.What? Your starter will not be stuck with normal-type attacks because it will already have at least one move of its type... Your only trouble is if you choose Litten, since the dog will resist its early Fire attack (but at the same time, it makes it more challenging if you choose it). Rowlet has to watch out for the weakness but can attack for weakness too. Popplio will have an easy time with this dog.