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  1. Sword.N

    Discussion Mega Blastoise Deck - Is It Viable?

    Rayquaza can be a hard machup for Blastoise because they can simply OHKO M Blastoise .Maybe running Parallel City with Garbodor can make the machup easier .
  2. Sword.N

    Discussion Mega Blastoise Deck - Is It Viable?

    I'll suggest run Garbodor to fight against Giratina (and something else like Yanmega) , and move Absol and Manaphy out. 120+30 is not something huge .You can run one copy of Giovanni's Scheme instead . If you play Hoopa ,change 2 Dive Balls into Ultra Balls to pull Hoopa out as early as possible .
  3. Sword.N

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    Primarina-gx may be a good tech for Archie-Blastoise-Keldeo deck .
  4. Sword.N

    Lilligant/Beartic deck

    I'm not actually building the deck myself so maybe you're right . But I think 2 Victini + 2 Coins will be ok , not taking much space .
  5. Sword.N

    Discussion Decks That Don't Need Shaymin-EX

    Greninja is still something in the format with Bursting Balloon and low-cost attack . Besides of that , Wobbuffet-Carbink-Groudon may be a choice .
  6. Sword.N

    Lilligant/Beartic deck

    Of course I know that . Coin and Victini may function in different occasions , item lock or ability lock . So it's just ok to take both of them .
  7. Sword.N

    Lilligant/Beartic deck

    The Toxicroak's attack can add 2 damage counters on the poison damage . A Lilligant with Muscle Band can do the same damage using its attack (20+20) , as well as leave your opponent's pokemon paralyzed during their turn . The idea I prefer is to keep attack with Lilligant , a Toxiccroak is not...
  8. Sword.N

    Lilligant/Beartic deck

    As beast as I can , I can only think of throwing the cards into my opponent's face and then run away XDDD The only suggestion I can give is to focus on one of these pokemons , as your list seems to be messed up . For example , use Virbank City Gym , Trick Coin and Victini ( Victory Star ) to...
  9. Sword.N

    Expanded Ho-Oh ninja deck

    ##Pokémon - 16 * 4 Talonflame STS 96 --free retreat , the most ideal pokemon to start with * 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 106 * 1 Carbink FAC 49 --answer to hammers * 3 Ho-Oh-EX DRX 119 * 1 Ho-Oh-EX BKP 121 --main attacker * 2 Yveltal-EX XY 144 --another main attacker * 2 Jolteon-EX GEN 28...
  10. Sword.N

    Greninja BREAK

    Oh I forgot Mew also rely on its ability to attack:confused: Then it can't deal with Garbodor.
  11. Sword.N

    Greninja BREAK

    For Garbodor,I think Mew-EX which will get reprinted in October can be an answer.
  12. Sword.N

    Discussion Viability of SS Clawitzer

    Idk it can fit well with Groudon as the deck has only 4 special energies.Maybe M Steelix who can use both DCE and Strong Energy can be a choice.
  13. Sword.N

    Standard Steam Siege's Chandelure (★New Meta★)

    I suggest 4-1-4 Candelure + 4 candies.You can also take an extra Skyla to get candies or pokemons(balls) as fast as possible.
  14. Sword.N

    Expanded BW-On: LandoZam (Landorus-EX / M Alakazam-EX)

    If you only run Alakazam for its ability,then Crobats may be a better choice.Otherwise you need Psychic energies to attack with M Alakazam.
  15. Sword.N

    Alt. Format Exeggutor for legancy

    Pokémon - 14 4 Exeggcute PLF 4 4 Exeggutor PLF 5 1 Virizion-EX PLB 9 1 Jirachi-EX PLB 60 1 Mewtwo-EX NXD 54 1 Mr. Mime PLF 47 1 Trubbish NVI 48 1 Garbodor LTR 68 Trainer Cards - 38 4 Crushing Hammer EPO 92 1 Silver Bangle PLB 88 4 N FAC 105 1 Super Rod BKT 149 2 Professor Oak's New Theory HS...
  16. Sword.N

    Alt. Format Future: The Sleeping Fat Man (Snorlax / Hypno)

    I think you can also take lugia from fcd.It can help a lot when your oppenent play a fighting-type deck.
  17. Sword.N

    Standard The Most Underrated EX Ever (Diance EX / Aromatisse)

    Maybe Sylveon-EX can be included in order to heal some damage from Diancie-EX.
  18. Sword.N

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    With the ability Charizard can hit for 180 without any tools,while Entei hit 180 with a single band.Can't wait to see it in Entei/Charizard decks.Also willing to see its full art version.
  19. Sword.N

    Standard Archie's Foils

    Mew is a good idea,and Regice really don't help much.I'll consider 2 or 3 mew with 2 DV.And with DV Barbaracle is good to shut Night March and ToadTina up. I can't agree with taking out ultra ball.I always rely on it to discard my hand for Archie.It's importand for an Archie deck.Maintenance can...
  20. Sword.N

    Standard Archie's Foils

    Pokémon - 12 4 Aerodactyl FAC 76 1 Shaymin-EX ROS 106 1 Omastar BREAK FAC 19 2 Omastar FAC 18 1 Regice AOR 24 3 Seismitoad-EX FFI 106 Trainer Cards - 39 4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92 4 VS Seeker PHF 109 4 Maintenance FFI 96 1 Lysandre FLF 90 4 Acro Bike PRC 122 2 Archie's Ace in the Hole PRC 124 1...