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Lilligant/Beartic deck


Aspiring Trainer
Is there any way to help this deck work? I simply like Lilligant, Beartic and Starmie, so I throw some cards together, but as I find it fun to play I wounded if about ways to improve it.

Pokemon 23
3 Cubchoo BWPS
4 Beartic BWEP
2 Staryu BWND
2 Starmie BWND
3 Petilil BWBC
3 Lilligant BWEP
3 Cherubi BWPS
2 Cherrim BWPS

Trainers (Total)
3 Great Ball
1 Level Ball
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Bianca
4 Cheren
2 N
3 Super Rod
1 Pokemon Catcher

Energy (Total)
7 Water Energy
8 Grass Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy

Get Lilligant, Beartic and Starmie on the board and use them as beast you can.
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As beast as I can , I can only think of throwing the cards into my opponent's face and then run away XDDD
The only suggestion I can give is to focus on one of these pokemons , as your list seems to be messed up . For example , use Virbank City Gym , Trick Coin and Victini ( Victory Star ) to help Lilligant with its first attack .
As beast as I can , I can only think of throwing the cards into my opponent's face and then run away XDDD
The only suggestion I can give is to focus on one of these pokemons , as your list seems to be messed up . For example , use Virbank City Gym , Trick Coin and Victini ( Victory Star ) to help Lilligant with its first attack .

Thanks, I’ll try that out

can Toxicroak EX from Flashfire help out in a more Lilligant centerd deck? as i remember it the card has somthing with extra poison counters to.
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can Toxicroak EX from Flashfire help out in a more Lilligant centerd deck? as i remember it the card has somthing with extra poison counters to.
The Toxicroak's attack can add 2 damage counters on the poison damage . A Lilligant with Muscle Band can do the same damage using its attack (20+20) , as well as leave your opponent's pokemon paralyzed during their turn . The idea I prefer is to keep attack with Lilligant , a Toxiccroak is not necessary .
The Toxicroak's attack can add 2 damage counters on the poison damage . A Lilligant with Muscle Band can do the same damage using its attack (20+20) , as well as leave your opponent's pokemon paralyzed during their turn . The idea I prefer is to keep attack with Lilligant , a Toxiccroak is not necessary .

ok, thanks.
As beast as I can , I can only think of throwing the cards into my opponent's face and then run away XDDD
The only suggestion I can give is to focus on one of these pokemons , as your list seems to be messed up . For example , use Virbank City Gym , Trick Coin and Victini ( Victory Star ) to help Lilligant with its first attack .
Just so you know Victini and Trick Coin don't stack with each other as trick coin reads: Once during your turn, after you flip any coins for an attack of the Pokémon this card is attached to, you may ignore all effects of those coin flips and begin flipping those coins again. (You may only use effects that lets you flip coins, including effects from other cards, once during your turn.)
Just so you know Victini and Trick Coin don't stack with each other as trick coin reads: Once during your turn, after you flip any coins for an attack of the Pokémon this card is attached to, you may ignore all effects of those coin flips and begin flipping those coins again. (You may only use effects that lets you flip coins, including effects from other cards, once during your turn.)
Of course I know that . Coin and Victini may function in different occasions , item lock or ability lock . So it's just ok to take both of them .
Replacing Cherrims and Cherubis for coins and Victinis will probably improve it then, the 5 pokemon never end up doing anything.