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  1. RunningWithScizors

    Hoopa, Charizard, and Rayquaza Deck Boxes, Sleeves, and Playmats in December!

    I know what I'm getting for Christmas. (stares at the Mega Rayquaza playmat)
  2. RunningWithScizors

    Finished Slap the Poster Above You With Anything 4 [YPPY]

    *slaps Jabberwock with a Magikarp*
  3. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Well, I think I've found an Expanded deck for myself (probably Night March or some Yveltal ex variant), but I'm having trouble finding a good Standard deck that really fits the bill. Are there any good fast, aggressive decks in Standard right now?
  4. RunningWithScizors

    Vespiquen Variants

    Why exactly is Bunnelby in this deck? It seems...out of place.
  5. RunningWithScizors

    M Rayquaza-EX / Bronzong

    Could someone perhaps explain why one uses 1 Dragon-type Ray and 2 Colorless Ray (and only 2 Mega)? And why 2 Aegislash - doesn't that slow things down a lot? Also, with Keldeo out of the game, I often find it hard to recover from a Lysandre or the like. This deck feels way too immobile...
  6. RunningWithScizors

    Having trouble building tournament-level decks

    This is an Expanded deck, now. How am I going to extrapolate this to make a Standard-level deck? Standard decks were what I was looking into. I'll cross the Expanded bridge when (and if) I get into it. Also, I think this was a little too much to digest. I think I may have regretted asking it.
  7. RunningWithScizors

    Having trouble building tournament-level decks

    Well, I'd like to make a comeback to the tournament scene after about a year-and-a-half's hiatus, but I have one problem. I really don't know how to build good, tournament-level decks. I mean, I can build a deck, but I can't really make it consistent. So if somebody could perhaps take a...
  8. RunningWithScizors

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    The art is insane. The second attack is even more insane. Forretress FFI is probably a better combo.
  9. RunningWithScizors

    Goomy: the one reason why a Pokemon/D&D crossover would fail.

    Goomy: the one reason why a Pokemon/D&D crossover would fail.
  10. RunningWithScizors

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Looks like the powers that be are trying to make Stage 2's good again. Good decision.
  11. RunningWithScizors

    How am I ever going to know what my playstyle and skillset are when it comes to competitive play?

    How am I ever going to know what my playstyle and skillset are when it comes to competitive play?
  12. RunningWithScizors

    Pokemon Competitors Arrested for Threatening Gun Violence at Worlds

    Wow, just wow. Don't know why anybody would want to do this, don't know why anybody would want to even joke about wanting to do this, but...words fail me here. Wow. Thank Arceus the authorities got it all under control.
  13. RunningWithScizors

    That Hoopa EX promo is gorgeous!

    That Hoopa EX promo is gorgeous!
  14. RunningWithScizors

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    I really don't know why I joined. I guess I was just looking for Pokemon TCG forums and decided to sign up. After all, that's probably the best way to join a forum, right?
  15. RunningWithScizors

    Ask a Question, Get an Answer Thread

    So, how do I figure out what my playstyle and my skillset are exactly? Is there a quiz I can take to figure this out?
  16. RunningWithScizors

    Ask a Question, Get an Answer Thread

    Test them all out? There has to be 20 different decks out there that are currently viable. Nobody has the time, patience, or resources to test them all out. And what is meant by "skillset?"
  17. RunningWithScizors

    Ask a Question, Get an Answer Thread

    What do you do, then, if you can't really find anything you're comfortable with, when there's so many good choices and matchups that it totally paralyzes you with indecision?
  18. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    So, now that AOR is out, what are the best fast, aggressive decks out there? (And yes, I finally got more Shaymin!)
  19. RunningWithScizors

    Ask a Question, Get an Answer Thread

    What is the best thing to do when you can't decide on something, whether it's a Pokemon deck or what to eat at a restaurant?
  20. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    How do you run a Primal Groudon deck with Wobbuffet? The deck's slow enough as it is and uses Landorus FFI to accelerate Energy. Besides, we lose Float Stone in rotation. Sure. I wouldn't mind seeing it. I have 1 Shaymin, but only a 2-2 M Latios EX line. That's not going to be enough.