Finished Slap the Poster Above You With Anything 4 [YPPY]

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/me slaps double squirtle with an angry, All Mighty Arceus, tthat looks at the recent posts, says "screw this" and resets all the rediculous "stuff" that's been going on in this topic.
*Jabberwock slaps 00Squirtle with a Charizard. Which...may or may not do anything to a band of Water-types.*
*Yeowie slaps thegrovylekid with a random blob of earwax*

(that was the first thing on my mind, I'm not sure why)
"SilverSilent slaps bbninjas with a toothbrush that had been used to clean a toilet that has not been cleaned in over two years! That poor guy will not be scarred the rest of his life! Silver's slap count is now at 6!"
scattered mind slaps thegrovylekid with a PokeBall. thegrovylekid breaks free! ouch.. almost had it!
scattered mind slaps double o squirtle with the Master ball he is in since double o squirtle doesn't have enough gym badges to make scattered mind obey.
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