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  1. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Famitsu Review

    Nintendo must be very proud this time. Pokemon BW getting a full mark can only mean positive things for the game :) ... hope atleast 150+ pokemons are introduced
  2. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 isshu based on new york city - no really!

    I think you ment FAT PEOPLE instead of MCDONALD :P ....... BTW why are people still stating that this is fake; it's official already so no point of trying to fight over it being fake or not ... Was there any doubt that it...
  3. godzilla41

    (1) Three New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [7/30]

    I think pokemon hired someone from the DISNEY drawing production. I mean a lot of the pokemon is starting to look like something that DISNEY would come up with. They pratically copy pasted BAMBY with a flower on its head -_-' ...
  4. godzilla41

    July 'CoroCoro' Scans Leaking [7/11]

    The bird pokemon, maybe the final stage of Fearow? I mean similar ability and looks like a hunting bird like fearow :S
  5. godzilla41

    What do you want from us?

    I really wish POKEBEACH would open a wifi chat where people are allowed to battle/trade. Not only will it increase the population of this community, it will make the site more vivid and alive. When one thinks of online battle/trade, the first thing that comes to their mind is serebii. Unlike...
  6. godzilla41

    (1) 'BW' Demo and Pamphlet Reveal New Images + One New Pokemon [7/9]

    Argg! when will they introduce an eagle pokemon. It better look cool aswell. I doubt the new birdy pokemon will evolve into an eagle (just don't see how a pidgeon evolves into an eagle :S). They also should have made the fire starter a lion ( I mean seriusly lion as a fire starter says it all )
  7. godzilla41

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach? Q:How did I find pokebeach? A: While trying to trade pokemons on serebii wifi chat, someone mentioned pokebeach and got immediatly banned by the mod for mentioning this site. I decided to check it out and found it. Q: Why I decided to join this community? A...
  8. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 new fossils

    They need to introduce some fossils from the JURASSIC period. Now those DINOS where awesome to the max!
  9. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Things you don't want to see in B/W

    The item search could be improved a bit more. It is darn annoying to look for items/tm/etc because sometimes I can't even find them and have to look several times. They should install a search menu or something where you just type in what you are looking for and it pops out. Seriusly!
  10. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 How would you know if a pokemon is a pokemon?

    Not sure what you ment by improving the design. If you think a green bloober and a koffin is an improvement then I guess you can be right but then again in each generation atleast 2-5 of them looks weird and out of place. Still 100+ more to come so let's see on how much improvement is made! I...
  11. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Hoenn in Black and White

    Ohh sorry, did not read your comment or would have not posted mine.
  12. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Gen 5 comes out in three Months and we know 21 pokemon. What pokemon are you looking4

    When are they making Rapidash a Pegasus. Am still waiting for it, you know it's bound to happen. When are they going to make a pokemon which reffers to GODZILLA! now that will be a monster XD!
  13. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Final Evolution of Starters.

    RE: Final Evoultion of starters If anything like this, I will be VERY HAPPY on picking any one of the starters.
  14. godzilla41

    (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash

    RE: (5) BW Anime / New Pokemon, TCG Commercial, Shiny Beasts in 13th Movie, Who Creates New Pokemon, Ash's Pikachu Downl the little pokemon beside pikachu maybe the beast of B/W like Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon and Gible was for the previous games. Maybe it's final evolutoin is the yellow...
  15. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Hoenn in Black and White

    Why would they stash in Hoeen in B/W when the remake of R/S/E will make as much money as B/W when they come out? Maybe the air port is a gym in disguise, you never know ;)
  16. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Probopass Evo?

    Yes I think you are on to someting. Might be very possible. P.S. If you ask me the black lady one looks like it probably have something to do with mawile and the green bloob is something probably my 5 years old cousin drew up and pokemon accepted it cause they are out of idea -_-' ... seriusly!
  17. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Triple Battles

    If you ask me, pokemon is turning out to be a FF game where bunch of characters faces of with wild monsters and GANG BASH each other. I was not even an expert in 2x battle and now 3x battle. Well it is going to be hard this time and not to mention the battle will be longer and more strategy will...
  18. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 What could they possibly do in Generation 5?

    I want a GODZILLA pokemon ... that would be sick. Head to head with Tyranitar ... OHH BOY!
  19. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 What new Gadget's would you like In Black&White?

    I wonder if RNG will be avalable in this new game XD ... I want something like a hover shoe so that it does not take million years to walk around.
  20. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 5th Generation Stadium Game for the Wii... Speculation

    What I want is better graphics. I also want to see more movement of pokemons (ex: using dragondance and actualy do a little dance. Not just stand there like a faget and raise it's stats.) Tougher challenge. Something like stadium would be very well appriciated :) ... Story like would be...