BW/BW2 How would you know if a pokemon is a pokemon?

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Aspiring Trainer
A lot of people say that the new pokemon do not look like pokemon...So how would you know if a pokemon is a pokemon?Kirby could be a pokemon..Lol
This isnt spam so please dont *Dmaster out* this thread pls.
How do you know when a Pokemon is a Pokemon?

When it's an official design and introduced in the games. People who say "these dont look like pokemon there losing originality lol" are just being stupid. Pokemon were never original. Ever. They're just blinded by nostalgia. The designs are only getting better and better by each generation.
MrMadMan said:
How do you know when a Pokemon is a Pokemon?

When it's an official design and introduced in the games. People who say "these don't look like pokemon there losing originality lol" are just being stupid. Pokemon were never original. Ever. They're just blinded by nostalgia. The designs are only getting better and better by each generation.

Agreed, and the ever so original "THEY L00k L1K3 DIGIM0N!11!!!11" ;)
Really, we have to get confirmation from reliable recourses to determine if it's real or not. Things like Coro Coro, Pokemon Sunday, anything made by sugimori, and a few others has a 99.999999% chance of being real. Otherwise, it's just speculation.
MrMadMan said:
The designs are only getting better and better by each generation.

Not sure what you ment by improving the design. If you think a green bloober and a koffin is an improvement then I guess you can be right but then again in each generation atleast 2-5 of them looks weird and out of place. Still 100+ more to come so let's see on how much improvement is made!

I personaly like the Yellow Bug/Dragon looking pokemon; looks cool to me :D.
The designs are seem different now. I think that new artists are coming in and they have different art skills then the previous artists who had drawn the previous Pokemon. If you read on of the posts on then you'll see why.
Everything that eveyone has previously said and....:

They can be placed in the POKEBALL and can be brought with you wherever you go.


And about legendary pokemons:

They're not supposed to be catchable at all. Only in games because it's--- A GAME.

-THE END, that's all folks.
How would you know an alien is an alien? or a monster is a monster?

The simple fact that they're in the next pokemon game, labeled as pokemon makes them pokemon. Even if we don't like them they're still "monsters" that can move and battle like any other pokemon.
Darkrai_Shadowforce said:
Everything that everyone has previously said and....:

They can be placed in the POKEBALL and can be brought with you wherever you go.


And about legendary pokemons:

They're not supposed to be catchable at all. Only in games because it's--- A GAME.

-THE END, that's all folks.

The bolded and underlined explains everything. Thank you!
What do you expect monsters to look like people?
A pokemon is a pokemon if the people who make pokemon say that it's a pokemon.

d master out
Do it right or don't do it all PMJ. I'm sick and tired of you spelling the name wrong on purpose. I've changed it live with it. Anyway yeah, Ima the real person in here so suck it.

I really could care less about homages. Just please say my real name or change it to whatever you want instead. >___>

dmaster out.
Enhance your calm, John Spartan. It's an homage to the old you - no need to get all prissy about it :[
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