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  1. P

    “Shrouded Fable” Set Guide! Card Images, Special Reverse Holos, and Product List!

    Ayooo. Theres news about someone who revolutionized pack searching by using CT x ray scans. Thats insane. I gotta get myself the same equipment he got.
  2. P

    Full Translations for Eevee, Stellar Sylveon ex, Charcadet, and Stellar Ceruledge ex!

    Its not Energy Evolution, but damn. 1st turn evolution.
  3. P

    “Battle Partners” Set to Release in Japan in January, Return of Owner’s Pokemon!

    Tag Team sets and Owners/Trainer Pokemon sets always bring back nostalgia and go up in value fast. English sets, get ready to have all stores bought out reeeeeeeeee
  4. P

    New Pikachu Worlds Promo Revealed, Available at Leagues and Retailers!

    Ah jeez. All my local Gamestop said they're packages were all lost. Ah jeez. And my cousin is travel manager for the San Antonio area. Not looking good primo *cough thanks cuz cough*
  5. P

    New Worlds Pikachu and Mew Promo Coming to GameStop for “Shrouded Fable” Purchases!

    Heyoooo San Antonio area has a lot of Gamestop for me to hit. Luckily, pre-order a few products from multiple ones, so I'll be getting a lot of these promo cards. Also, Best Buy should be getting a promo as well. Here's a hack yall. SOME Best Buy, if you find a new person working there, will...
  6. P

    Special Illustration Rare Lacey from Stellar Miracle!

    A few do, and support me against the store's shady methods. Its actually 3 of us that do this to better odds beat them.
  7. P

    New “Crown Zenith: Sea & Sky Premium Collection” to Release at Sam’s Club, Long After the Set’s Release!

    So, posts about Sam's Club but not Costco? They've released a few items with mention to them.
  8. P

    Special Illustration Rare Lacey from Stellar Miracle!

    If I don't do it, the store STILL cheats everyone else. At least I'm willing to do something about it, even if it means at the expense of the others. Its the others who should go to a different store. Just leave me be in my San Antonio area. That's all I'll say. Looking forward to the next...
  9. P

    Special Illustration Rare Lacey from Stellar Miracle!

    I mean, its not like I do it all the time. SM Base, Crimson Invasion, and then Ultra Prizm (Lillie Reprint), then SwSh Base, (then Pandemic happened). Last time I did it was Scarlet and Violet base. Now, if I do it again, it would be with this new card, but mind you, I don't do it at Every...
  10. P

    Special Illustration Rare Lacey from Stellar Miracle!

    Which would be logical, except the workers ALSO join in and somehow also get 3 copies of "good" cards in their decks as well. While everyone else unseals their Build and Battle, theirs are already out of the shrink-wrap but the packs are "sealed." Yet they get 3 of the same card they need...
  11. P

    Special Illustration Rare Lacey from Stellar Miracle!

    Forgot to mention. The place that "hosts" the Prerelease I go to, does some of the scummiest shit. They pay 60% of TCGPLAYER price and when you want to buy a card, they go over the TCGPLAYER price. Even some 10 cent reverse foil 151 cards to complete a set, they charge 50 cents. 5 fudging times...
  12. P

    Special Illustration Rare Lacey from Stellar Miracle!

    This card will be good in Prerelease 4 prize card matchups. I can see this one winning me a few Prerelease events. One time, I won 3 different Prerelease events when Crimson Invasion came out. I traded for a Guzzlord GX. At each Prerelease, I would pretend to pull the Guzzlord to add to my 40...
  13. P

    Six New Pokemon Center TCG Accessory Lines Released Featuring Umbreon, Ghost Pokemon, Pikachu, and More!

    You're suggesting these products all have only popular pokemon? Magneton? Mawile? Sableye? Drifloon, the child trafficking pokemon? Klefki? Who gives a **** about these pokemon? Unless, they're "popular certified" as well? 🤣
  14. P

    “Pokemon Together” Pikachu and Eevee Promos to Release at the Pokemon Center!

    Yoooo, that Sirfetch'd lot is rumored to have a few tins that contain Evolving Skies. No wonder those sold out first after just 10 minutes.
  15. P

    More English “Shrouded Fable” Cards Revealed, Including Illustration Rares!

    We can mostly all agree to skip this set and save up for the English Rocket Set yeah? Unless, like Japan's exclusive Master ball Rare foils for 151, Team Rocket's Japanese set has some sort of exclusive R symbol foil in one of every booster box. Thoughts?
  16. P

    Kofu, Veluza, and Crabominable from Stellar Miracle!

    Nah, Arita shit the bed with this one.
  17. P

    Kofu, Veluza, and Crabominable from Stellar Miracle!

    Damn, you're bad mouthing Mitsuhiro Arita? Well, I can actually agree with you. Just because he's THE Mitsuhiro Arita, and he illustrated the iconic Base Charizard, doesn't mean everything he shits out is gold. This time, I can say, Mitsuhiro Arita dropped the ball. Shit, I wouldn't ask him to...
  18. P

    TPCi Reveals 2025 Season to Limit Worlds Invites, Only 125 TCG Masters for North America

    Womp Womp. The you were never cut out to be one of the very best. In WWE, many Suoerstars, before making it big, HAVE to pay for their own travel, stay in shape, buy their own food, etc. Many did and never lasted with the WWE, but the risk is worth the rewards. For if you make it, you're set...
  19. P

    TPCi Reveals 2025 Season to Limit Worlds Invites, Only 125 TCG Masters for North America

    I love this new system. Lorcana, Yugioh, etc, all are Pay to Win. Now, what will set Pokemon apart is, Pay to Win AND Pay Extra to travel and check on a weekly basis is you're in the 125 rankings, otherwise, sign up for more events to not fall below 125. You can be a parent for all I care. You...