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  1. Tytus

    Kanazawa Pokémon Center Opens November 20th, Promos Revealed

    The art on the sleeves are actually quite nice.
  2. Tytus

    Snorlax & Lapras VMAX Premium Collection Releasing October 16th

    That’s debatable as secret rare quick ball along with the full arts of research and marnie still fetch a pretty high value.
  3. Tytus

    Play! Pokemon Events Remain Suspended Through End of 2020

    There is still hope for Dallas Regionals.
  4. Tytus

    'Shocking Volt Tackle,' Japan's September Set!

  5. Tytus

    September's Gym Promos Revealed, Including Signs of Evolution Eevee

    Didn’t we already have a signs of evolution eevee?
  6. Tytus

    'Shocking Volt Tackle,' Japan's September Set!

    So please tell me why basics are still getting more tools and stages 1s and 2s are still being shoved to the curb.
  7. Tytus

    'Shocking Volt Tackle,' Japan's September Set!

    Bold of you to assume to I would have Vs and GXs on bench.
  8. Tytus

    'Shocking Volt Tackle,' Japan's September Set!

    As far as energy disruption goes the Samurott isn't actually to bad, unfortunately welder is still a thing and a lot of other decks only require a few energy to attack.
  9. Tytus

    'Kanto Powers Collections' Featuring 'Evolutions' in October!

    I mean the Charizard from the set is actually quite expensive so it would not be a bad purchase for anyone trying to get more of those. As far as the production of this set goes I'm not sure as to how the value of that Charizard be effected considering the amount of production that this set has...
  10. Tytus

    'Shocking Volt Tackle,' Japan's September Set!

    Only 200 hp what an insult. Couldn't have at least given it 210, lol.
  11. Tytus

    'Shocking Volt Tackle,' Japan's September Set!

    How expensive do you think the full arts of these trainers are going to be?
  12. Tytus

    Indeedee 'CoroCoro Ichiban' Promo in September's Issue!

    I guess if there are any stage 1 or stage 2 decks that need energy acceleration that don't already have it this could be a good T1 attacker.
  13. Tytus

    'Ultra Premium Box,' 'Elite Trainer Box Plus,' and More 'Champion's Path' Products in November!

    I know that you get more packs and the storage space may be more but this seems kind of like a waste of production money and effort when you could just throw the promo into a regular ETB and charge $45. Then again if it won't come with every set and its just a special 1 time thing I would not...
  14. Tytus

    Official Play! Pokemon Podcast Announced!

    This seems really nice, it will be a good way to get newer players into competitive that don’t yet know about sites like this.
  15. Tytus

    2020 Holiday Set Confirmed, Includes Missing Sun & Moon Cards!

    If they released a Dragapult one they would be releasing a failed product since no one would buy it. Dragapult is most likely getting killed by the dark that is releasing with darkness ablaze.
  16. Tytus

    What is a good format?

    Thanks for the free article. Finally got to read something fully through.
  17. Tytus

    'Ultra Premium Box,' 'Elite Trainer Box Plus,' and More 'Champion's Path' Products in November!

    Ah yes more products for TPCI to make their money off of. What is funny is that they keep releasing this stuff even though no in person tournaments are happening. This will have a direct correlation to the market as people won't buy as much therefor leading to over stock.
  18. Tytus

    2020 Holiday Set Confirmed, Includes Missing Sun & Moon Cards!

    When hidden fats gets a reprint around the same time this set releases. Collectors gonna have to make a decision.
  19. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    This set looks awesome can't wait to see what some of the cards do. Seeing Xerneas as a psychic type makes me sad. Rip fairy.
  20. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    The Dialga is a very nice addition to metal decks allowing you to accelerate 2 energy for a colorless. It appears that TPCI learned from their island challenge amulet mistake and made this only for V max. Thats very nice but if you think about something like Snorlax V max still having 240 HP...