I was wondering that about myself too. lol Clearly, others will enjoy these products, and that's fine.And although I haven't bothered with collecting the SwSh sets, I was looking forward to this one, especially with the possibility of including Amazing Rares in it. But I just find the theme to be confused and the set to be average with current information. Maybe there'll be better news that will interest us later! But I think it's another pass for me; just buying any singles I might want. And then after typing my wall of text earlier, I wondered if I was becoming an old fart that doesn't like the new-fangled things. lol I didn't like how the SwSh was handled, I haven't been liking the direction of the TCG from a collector's standpoint, I was nonplussed by Isle of Armor, now this... I still very much like Pokemon as a whole... but is the new stuff just not for me??? Ha ha. I think I just need to come to terms with that.
Right, same for me. Im sure there’s people who are going to look back at Gen 8’s TCG the same way I look back at BW/XY and say everything after their first generation of the TCG was the last “good one”. It’s just not for me though, I’ve just started kind of going back to a revived interest in WOTC. I don’t think I’ve actually gotten anything TCG related since Hidden Fates and a few cosmic eclipse things here and there.
I’ve been considering whether or not the series is just not becoming for me anymore but I think that it’s just a matter of quality. The Snap sequel for instance, despite being new and all that, it looks like it’s going to be pretty high quality compared to the mainline games. And I’m a very active Pokémon Go player because, despite all of its issues, it’s to me a better experience than Sword and Shield because it has everything I want in a Pokémon game-collecting, a full Pokédex, and stuff to do. The last few mainline games have kinda lacked the “Stuff to do” department, let alone the difficulty and the dex cutting SwSh did, basically ruining my traditional transferring my living dex.
That being said, I think with the TCG it just might be the case. I don’t like most of what the last two generations have been doing, and if that’s just the direction they’re going to go, then I might have to end up coming to terms with it. I want the cards to be more simple, yet still appealing. I liked when Ultra Rares still resembled a normal card, but with some extra bells and whistles. GXs and V’s are just Full Art-lites, kinda taking away the point of Full Arts to me. (Normal EXs has the body of a card still, which made Full Arts feel like they had a purpose, basically). But looking back at Primes, Level X Cards, etc. I want to go back to that, but the TCG doesn’t want to do that. And it’s not like they CANT do anything I like, I liked shining legends and Hidden Fates, plus Tag Teams had some stellar artwork. I like collecting whatever new Charizard comes out, but that’s about it. Luckily there’s always older eras to go back to, while still hoping they eventually do something that appeals to me. Amazing Rares are pretty cool though, all things considered, so there’s something.