I guess I agree, but all non-poison psychics are weak to psychic. That's just the way it is. Maybe it doesn't make sense by game standards, but TCG is completely different. It makes sense by TCG standards.
RE: (1) Giratina Movie Promo Card [6/12]
That makes more sense because it is a forme of Giratina, not a kind of Giratin. I'm sorry if that doesn't make sense.
RE: (1) Giratina Movie Promo Card [6/12]
The name of the card is cool. It makes me wish I lived in Japan.(So I could go get the card.) Oh, well. The card is cool. I was hoping for the origin forme, but oh, well.
Yea, I like the white background. It makes the Pokemon easier to see. They are pretty colorful, themselves. I think you should not make the background to bright. (If you do add color.)
RE: (3) New POP 6 Holos, Burger King TCG Promotion, CoroCoro Reveales Platinum Info;
I can't guarantee it, but I would think so. Their goal is to add things not remove things. If it doesn't though can't you just migrate to D/P and trade to Platinum?
Yes, basically all psychic cards are weak to psychic cards (accept the poison ones), and they were using heatproof as an excuse for the weakness. They wanted it this way. It is not a mistake.
I live in the US, but I think everyone deserves to go to the events! Please sign me up for the petition! I hope we can make a difference!:)
Name: Mercy
Well, if they are making Shaymin's new forme part flying type, it makes more sense why it would look different. I think that is why it looks so different.
Neither are easy. The TCG takes lots of knowledge of the game and cards. You have to track down good cards and figure out combos. It takes strategy to plan out what will work well together. The game has so many hidden mechanics, like Evs. It takes many hours sometimes even many days to Ev train...