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  1. RunningWithScizors

    Celebi23's Circle: Cities - What's the Play?

    RE: Celebi 23's Circle: Cities - What's the Play? So, how exactly would you run Magnegatr/Kyurem? I'm sorta...stuck. Also, why Magby instead of, say, Bellsprout in Reshiphlosion?
  2. RunningWithScizors

    Pokemon Your Very First Shiny? What Did You Think, And How Did You React?

    RE: Your very first shiny! Mine? That would be a shiny Golbat in Silver. Doesn't help that it's partially pink.... :rolleyes:
  3. RunningWithScizors

    Celebi23's Circle: Cities - What's the Play?

    RE: Celebi 23's Circle: Cities - What's the Play? What if you can't get Tropical Beach (like, say, most of us)? What would be a good replacement? I'm saying this because I'm trying to build a Kyurem deck, only with Magnezone (to better deal with big targets) instead of Vileplume, and I'd...
  4. RunningWithScizors


    I'll be heading up there as soon as I get home from work. Already finished most of the packing.
  5. RunningWithScizors

    (3) Victini Prerelease Promo, Shelmet Regionals Promos, Trio Badge Pin [10/19]

    Is this the first time a legendary Pokemon was the Prerelease promo?
  6. RunningWithScizors

    Finished Count to 50 Before Staff Posts

    Where are we now? ;) Oh yeah, four....
  7. RunningWithScizors

    The reason for your username?

    Just a punny name that came to me when I was signing up. Nothing special.
  8. RunningWithScizors

    RattataJoey's Future Sight Article 6: Mewtwo EX from Psycho Drive [Readers Choice]

    I can see Mewtwo ex used as a tech card against Gothitelle in decks that use DCE.
  9. RunningWithScizors

    Kyurem combo ideas?

    I wouldn't be too worried about getting a 'Gatr Prime Catchered up, since it's a good attacker in its own right, especially after a Glaciate or two. Maybe a Shaymin tech would be a good idea?
  10. RunningWithScizors

    Kyurem combo ideas?

    ^ Yeah, but I was looking for something I could play at Cities. Kyogre ex isn't coming out 'till States.
  11. RunningWithScizors

    Pokemon Most Forgotten Pokemon?

    I'd say any non-evolving Basic Pokemon with uninteresting stats/movepool tends to be forgotten. Hence the frequent mention of Dunsparce, Qwilfish, etc.
  12. RunningWithScizors

    Kyurem combo ideas?

    Now, I've been raving about this fellow since the spoilers for Red Collection came out. It reminds me of my old friend from a few years ago, T-tar from Stormfront: However, Kyurem is the better Pokemon by far, and for at least 3 reasons: 1. Kyurem is a Basic as opposed to a Stage 2 for...
  13. RunningWithScizors

    Looking for a new deck to play for battle roads... Please help.

    Hence the Dodrio. The trick is to use Dodrio to reduce Cobalion's retreat cost to 0, then use Kilinklang to move {M} Energies around so you can use Sacred Sword every turn. Reshiram would hurt it bad, so a Lanturn Prime tech might be useful.
  14. RunningWithScizors

    My "Partisan" deck (Jumpluff/Yanmega/Zoroark/Sunflora/babies) for BR's

    Why only 8 energies total in this deck? With no ability to search for energy, I'll be doomed if I go without energy for too long.
  15. RunningWithScizors

    My "Partisan" deck (Jumpluff/Yanmega/Zoroark/Sunflora/babies) for BR's

    22 Pokemon: 4-3-4 Jumpluff 2-2 Yanmega Prime 2-2 Sunflora 1 Zorua (McD's promo) 1 Zoroark BW 2 Pichu 1 Tyrogue 26 T/S/S: 3 Collector 4 Communicator 3 Rare Candy 4 Judge 2 Copycat 2 PONT 4 Catcher 1 Junk Arm 1 FSL 12 Energy: 12 {G} The strategy's simple but...
  16. RunningWithScizors

    (5) Emerging Powers, Red Collection, Victini Deck, McDonalds, Movie Downloads [6/16]

    Blastgatr + Kyurem = Sniper Deck Supreme. I like it. Bisharp would combo well with T-tar Prime and Mandibuzz. Maybe even Chandelure. Non-Ability Cofagrigus + Reuniclus might be a fun deck. Red Collection (probably our October set) looks like it's going to be a good one. I wonder if the...
  17. RunningWithScizors

    (2) Two Pokemon Movies in 2011, First Real 'Black & White' English Set Info [2/11]

    Since the Black and White theme decks are being released on April 6, does this mean whatever's in them will be legal for Regionals? Also, will there be Prereleases for the set? The official release date seems a little too close to Regionals for comfort.
  18. RunningWithScizors

    LuxChomp [ Luxray GL Lv.X / Garchomp C Lv.X ]

    OK, but mine has a couple bells and whistles (Chatot G, Smeargle UD, only 1 Crobat G, a VS Seeker) and only 2 Collector. Not sure how to fit an extra Power Spray and Warp Energy therein.
  19. RunningWithScizors

    Seeker from Triumphant (#88) [12/29]

    1. This is an excellent Supporter card which is seeing quite a bit of play. 2. Just about any deck can use it. 3. Where to begin...recycle a pixie, Crobat G, Luxray GL Lv. X, etc., rescue a badly wounded Pokemon, or even the occasional quick win. 4. 4.5/5. The only thing holing it back is...