I have been playing Excadrill #56 (drill run) in a Donphan based list, replacing the Donphans for the Excadrill. The deck works great, most of the time, except when playing against donphan. I wind up getting flustered and misusing my resources. my pokemon line up is:
2 Zekrom
2 Reshiram
4-4 Excadrill (hone claws Drillburr)
3 Siglyph (CCC one)
now im pretty sure that the Siglyph is a problem in the Donpan matchups, and i would really love to beable to take Excadrill to a tourney and rock the heck out of everything, so If any one can help me out with a killer list i will be forever greateful.
before people start posting and saying play donphan, please keep in mind that i dont have $30 to spend on a piece of cardboard. I only have what friends at my league have tons extra of so primes are pretty much out of the question.
Due to the fact that my beloved Drill Runners will only work in league play, I am out of ideas. ANY help would be great.
Here is a short list of what I have access to to play.
2 Houndoom
1 Machamp
Full Arts and Related
5 Zekrom
4 Reshiram
1 Thunderus
3 tornadus
Mentionable rares and uncommons
2 vileplume
1 Gothitelle
2 Sigilyph (telekenesis)
3 Sigilyph (Psychic Assault)
4 Excadrill (Drill Run)
7 GIgalith
4 Catcher
plus unfettered access to commons and uncommons and other cards like Collector Oak, and any ohter consistancy based card... I am litterally out of ideas.
2 Zekrom
2 Reshiram
4-4 Excadrill (hone claws Drillburr)
3 Siglyph (CCC one)
now im pretty sure that the Siglyph is a problem in the Donpan matchups, and i would really love to beable to take Excadrill to a tourney and rock the heck out of everything, so If any one can help me out with a killer list i will be forever greateful.
before people start posting and saying play donphan, please keep in mind that i dont have $30 to spend on a piece of cardboard. I only have what friends at my league have tons extra of so primes are pretty much out of the question.
Due to the fact that my beloved Drill Runners will only work in league play, I am out of ideas. ANY help would be great.
Here is a short list of what I have access to to play.
2 Houndoom
1 Machamp
Full Arts and Related
5 Zekrom
4 Reshiram
1 Thunderus
3 tornadus
Mentionable rares and uncommons
2 vileplume
1 Gothitelle
2 Sigilyph (telekenesis)
3 Sigilyph (Psychic Assault)
4 Excadrill (Drill Run)
7 GIgalith
4 Catcher
plus unfettered access to commons and uncommons and other cards like Collector Oak, and any ohter consistancy based card... I am litterally out of ideas.