Looking for a new deck to play for battle roads... Please help.


Aspiring Trainer
I have been playing Excadrill #56 (drill run) in a Donphan based list, replacing the Donphans for the Excadrill. The deck works great, most of the time, except when playing against donphan. I wind up getting flustered and misusing my resources. my pokemon line up is:

2 Zekrom
2 Reshiram
4-4 Excadrill (hone claws Drillburr)
3 Siglyph (CCC one)

now im pretty sure that the Siglyph is a problem in the Donpan matchups, and i would really love to beable to take Excadrill to a tourney and rock the heck out of everything, so If any one can help me out with a killer list i will be forever greateful.

before people start posting and saying play donphan, please keep in mind that i dont have $30 to spend on a piece of cardboard. I only have what friends at my league have tons extra of so primes are pretty much out of the question.

Due to the fact that my beloved Drill Runners will only work in league play, I am out of ideas. ANY help would be great.

Here is a short list of what I have access to to play.

2 Houndoom
1 Machamp

Full Arts and Related
5 Zekrom
4 Reshiram
1 Thunderus
3 tornadus

Mentionable rares and uncommons
2 vileplume
1 Gothitelle
2 Sigilyph (telekenesis)
3 Sigilyph (Psychic Assault)
4 Excadrill (Drill Run)
7 GIgalith
4 Catcher

plus unfettered access to commons and uncommons and other cards like Collector Oak, and any ohter consistancy based card... I am litterally out of ideas.
RE: Excadrill deck?

This is less than 50 cards, so it belongs in the Sandbox.


dmaster out.
RE: Excadrill deck?

well I'm still going through this set to find potential and i've found as a donphan counter I still haven't tested it.


It can ohko a donphan with a risk of ko'ing itself. or tornadus but that doesn't make quick work of it.

Thats my input but im not sure how this deck plays.
RE: Excadrill deck?

A problem with this is Excadrill doesn't put damage counters on Reshiram or Zekrom. Without that, they won't hit much damage even against things they are supereffective on. I'm not really sure what you could do there, obviously some rainbows to power their attacks and maybe even some lightning/fire energy?
i guess you could do some rogue with vileplume/gigalith or something (maybe vileplume/zekrom). Aside from that, there's not a whole lot to work with.
i did forget to mention i had about 6 Zoroark from BW and 1 from EP and 2 Cobalion, 2 ability KlinkKlang from BW

just to illustrate that all i have is what my friends have extras of...
Just so you know, you can get Donphans for 17-20 dollars on eBay if you're patient. It probably won't change your deck at all, but it's definitely good to know about - nobody should pay 30 dollars for those.
Celebi23 said:
Just so you know, you can get Donphans for 17-20 dollars on eBay if you're patient. It probably won't change your deck at all, but it's definitely good to know about - nobody should pay 30 dollars for those.

I was merely illustrating the fact I dont have any kind of money to invest in pokemon right now, especially pricey primes. As much as I want to, I may have to NOT play this year or atleast untill funding becomes available... rent, gas, water, and electric are all every expensive, as is the Phone bill... Grrr....
i have no idea what you could play but it looks like it would have to be somthing x-treemly rogue-- if you want to get some cards to use you probly have to do some trading--So far it was been working realy well for me was cinccino and bravery with gliscor(looking to replace him but hes not soo bad) its a pretty cheap deck and works out not so bad =)--PeAcE!!!
I'll see if any one i know has any, I am uploading a video to YouTube that has pretty much EVERYTHING i can play in it aside from stuff that friends will let me borrow. Its getting pretty stressful as we have our BRs on the 18th - Yay! If nothing else i'll be there MAYBE trading for states.

EDIT: Seems my web cam is on the fritz so I'll give a breife summery. a few friends of mine got their hands on a few extra Yanmega Prime so I will be able to use 2, came into 2 of the Dig version of Excadrill, 2 Reuniclus, 3 Gothitelle and a whole mess of Vileplumes. No beartics tho... still have about 6 collectors, 12 PONT 5 Juniper and a mess of other consistancy staples like twins and such.
Well in that case, you should definitely make Gothitelle/Reuniclus, since you have most of the main cards in it.
i might - the problem is that setting up two stage twos might be kinda hard... Can any one else back the Gothitelle deck?
It's getting quite a lot of hype after this last set has come out...whether it has potential? Well, I'll let the BR results show that. People have been testing with it and against it, so it is worth a look.

Two Stage 2s is not hard to set up. All you have to do is look at the top two decks from Masters at Worlds. Magneboar (Magnezone Prime and Emboar) and Vileplume/Reuniclus+Attackers. The key thing to note here is that both decks played a copious amount of Twins (3 for Magneboar, 4 for Vileplume), so using a similar strategy is not too far fetched.

dmaster out.
Thanks DMaster - you always give some solid pointers

So far what I have is:

3-2-3 gotitelle
3-2-2 Runiclus
2-2 Yanmega Prime
3 Reshiram

4 Twins (maybe 3 after some testing)
4 Collector

Im considering 2 Professor Elm's and a KGL or ESL with some rainbow energy. Might be an issue but, might not. Any further advice? I'll take anything i can get.
If you can get ahold of this it could work for you.

4 Skarmory UD
4 Cobalion
2-1-2 Klinklang BW
2-2 Dodrio UD

+Trainers and Energy

With this you can retreat move energy to the cobalion and sacred sword for consitant 100 damage every turn and should be able to set-up turn 2.
bigbija said:
Sacred sword can not be used every turn. This deck would be interesting and fun if sacred sword didn't have this condition though :(

Hence the Dodrio. The trick is to use Dodrio to reduce Cobalion's retreat cost to 0, then use Kilinklang to move {M} Energies around so you can use Sacred Sword every turn. Reshiram would hurt it bad, so a Lanturn Prime tech might be useful.
Sorry, that wouldn't work.

For the GothIclus, use Zekroms instead of Reshirams. This is because, if needed, you can damage swap a lot all damage on Gothitelle to Zekrom, and if Gothitelle still gets ko'd, you can send out Zekrom to hit Yanmega or Tornadus for weakness, and with 120 on you, you can ko almost anything in the format for your last prize. You maybe want to keep 1 Reshiram to make Kingdra to less damage, or, more importantly, if you have a DCE on it, you can damage swap 120 damage to it and ko a Donphan, which Zekrom can't do.