Search results

  1. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Another smart choice If they played Pokemon, they would be noobs. Wow, what do you do on Pokecorner? (I buy singles)
  2. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Ya, smart choice.:P
  3. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    I don't know, people are just plain jerks when it comes to playing Pokemon. I quit for a while, only cause I really didn't get the game. But now that I have started again, I am truly regretting ever quitting. Me neither, I think it was when I was looking at pics of cards on I...
  4. Lt. Empoleon

    Need Trophies!!

    Can someone get me trophies for 3rd, 2nd, and first place? 1st place trophy=Arceus 2nd Place trophy=Lickilicky 3rd place trophy= Pikachu Please get these for me urgently!!!!!!!
  5. Lt. Empoleon

    Card Faking Contest*No more entries for spots!!!Serebii1997 and ger submit entries!!!

    RE: Card Faking Contest I will definetely Hmm, I will go get some trophies.
  6. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    I feel you, everytime my friends come over I have to stuff all my Pokemon-related items/cards in my closet. Hmmm, that's a wierd way to handle it. Do many people ask you? Pokemon players= NERDS at middle and high schools.
  7. Lt. Empoleon

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: Booster pack selling @4USD only!! Have all the DP4 Lv X!! CML for your Vaporeon and Glaceon DP4
  8. Lt. Empoleon

    Ruling A Question About: Lucario Lv.X Tin Box

    I bought a tin and it had 4 straight Secret Wonders packs, no Mysterious Treasures
  9. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Haha ha, please try to not spam up my thread. :)
  10. Lt. Empoleon

    D&P Sky Tamers

    Ya, I only thought the power was broken. The rest of the card is good though! Sorry if I meant the whole card was broken. I guess I forgot to just say the power was broken
  11. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Lucky, if I told everybody at my Junior High(I'm in 7th Grade) my rep would go down the toilets, literallky.[hr] Totally feel your pain. All the popular kids just think pokemon is just a game for losers who have no life. WRONG I wish I could tell my friends I liked Pokemon, but it is too...
  12. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    Wow, not even your parents, harsh. How can you keep it a secret from your parents? How do they not find your cards lying around everywhere? Ohh, my parents keep it a secret for me...
  13. Lt. Empoleon

    W: Computer Search, Skyla FA / H: Tropical Beach, Shiny Rayquaza, EXs

    RE: \|/_Jack Bauer's Haves & Wants_\|/ SW DISPLAY OPENED! H: D/P 4 LV. X - TAKE A LOOK! CML for Galceon Lv. X!!
  14. Lt. Empoleon

    Pokemon Playing Pokemon

    I have been playing Pokemon for a while, and I like to keep it a secret. The only people that know are my parents, some of my cousins, and my brothers and sisters. I posted this thread to see if I'm not the only one who doesn't tell anybody. So please post, telling me if you tell your friends or...
  15. Lt. Empoleon

    My Fakes

    OK.... it's not my fault if I'm bad at making cards
  16. Lt. Empoleon

    Finished Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game~KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG items! Let's get 5k posts

    RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (It's back!) You spelled ditto wrong *inserts coin*