My Fakes

Lt. Empoleon

I am currently making fakes on my free time, and currently I have two. Spoilers would be greatly appreciated. Especially for Empoleon series!



Please give more ideas!!!
Lucario's safeguard should be a poke body. And prevent damage on a heads coin flip.
I mean c'mon. safeguard doing damage? I know it's a fake card but try to include some logic. No offence.
Umm, I used paint so I can't change the text. This is just like painting a picture, you can't change it!
They are ok...your Electivire picture is really not good. You should have taken a picture that had already fit into the black background with just Electivire in that picture. That would have been better.
Wrong font...

Lucario's Safeguard shouldn't do damage. End of deal.

Electavire's picture is, well, not so good.

Electavire's broken.

They're good, but could be a lot better =]
What program are you using to make these? The quality isn't very good and there are a lot of transparency issues. With better software, I'm sure your fakes would improve immensely.

Also, you should always credit the artist who drew the artwork, no matter what. Neglecting to do so is no better than art theft. If you don't know who drew it, don't use it. It should be noted that The Internet and Google are not proper illustrators.