Search results

  1. Lt. Empoleon

    Finished Count to a 1000! (It's back!)

    336 pounds of water can't!!!
  2. Lt. Empoleon

    Finished Count to a 1000! (It's back!)

    334 pounds of salt can kill you
  3. Lt. Empoleon

    My Fakes

    Umm, I used paint so I can't change the text. This is just like painting a picture, you can't change it!
  4. Lt. Empoleon


    Plus, you could tell when there was an ex in a pack cause it was kinda bent.
  5. Lt. Empoleon

    5 Top cards in SW / MT

    1. Gallade 2. Absol 3. Banette 4. Gardevoir 5. Stantler
  6. Lt. Empoleon

    My Fakes

    I am currently making fakes on my free time, and currently I have two. Spoilers would be greatly appreciated. Especially for Empoleon series! Please give more ideas!!!
  7. Lt. Empoleon

    My fakes... Give me moar ideas PLZ :)

    RE: My fakes... Give me moar ideas please :) Great spoiler Serjent_Tankian! I wish that was a real card....
  8. Lt. Empoleon

    Card Faking Contest*No more entries for spots!!!Serebii1997 and ger submit entries!!!

    RE: Card Faking Contest Don't tell your score right now, just wait until the enrty dates have passed and we will discuss via PM.[hr]I have my fake!
  9. Lt. Empoleon

    Don Zard

    Actually, I think the rule is"only one Ref per trade", so he only gets one.
  10. Lt. Empoleon

    Card Faking Contest*No more entries for spots!!!Serebii1997 and ger submit entries!!!

    RE: Card Faking Contest Sure, is that the one you want to enter?
  11. Lt. Empoleon

    Card Faking Contest*No more entries for spots!!!Serebii1997 and ger submit entries!!!

    RE: Card Faking Contest OK, I will, but I am making a new card. My first one sucked...:shy
  12. Lt. Empoleon

    Card Faking Contest*No more entries for spots!!!Serebii1997 and ger submit entries!!!

    RE: Card Faking Contest Ok, added you. Please try to get your entries in by next Friday (12/21)
  13. Lt. Empoleon

    My fakes... Give me moar ideas PLZ :)

    RE: My fakes... Give me moar ideas please :) Microsoft paint works well...
  14. Lt. Empoleon

    Card Faking Contest*No more entries for spots!!!Serebii1997 and ger submit entries!!!

    RE: Card Faking Contest Sure! Of course, judge or contestant? sure![hr]Also, due to my noobness at creating fakes, I willl back out and be a judge. :(
  15. Lt. Empoleon

    My fakes... Give me moar ideas PLZ :)

    RE: My fakes... Give me moar ideas please :) Yea they are pokemon, haven't you played the games?
  16. Lt. Empoleon

    LV's Faking Contest.

    Here's mine! It's an unknown author BTW(got it off google)
  17. Lt. Empoleon

    D&P Sky Tamers

    Wow, marinepika, don't you think the Flygon is a bit broken?
  18. Lt. Empoleon

    D/P card set: War of the Masters (need help)

    Jeez, don't you think its first attack is kinda broken?
  19. Lt. Empoleon

    D/P card set: War of the Masters (need help)

    Hey, I can do the Ambipom for you guys! I will post it later.