Here is my newest set, and I hope to actually finish this set this time, so I need LOTSA help!!
Red: Spoiler Done
Hyperlinked: Card/Fake Done
Blue: Fake In Progress
Green: Trainer- No Spoiler needed(That doesn't mean I don't want them....)
Set symbol:
Creator: Golem King
Co-Creator: Dragon Rider of PokeBeach
Spoiler Makers: Dragon Rider of PokeBeach, iKyLeZ, Ka'Mewie:- (need more)
Card Fakers: Golem King, iKyLeZ, Ka'Mewie:-, EMPOLEON82294 (need more)
1. Aggron
2. Alakazam
3. Ampharos
4. Arceus (Dark or Norm.)
5. Banette
6. Beautifly
7. Beedrill
8. Butterfree
9. Cacturne (Dark)
10. Camerupt
11. Crawdaunt (Water)
12. Cresselia
13. Darkrai (Dark)
13. Dewgong
14. Dialga
15. Dragonite
16. Dustox
17. Exploud
18. Froslass
19. Garchomp
20. Giratina
21. Gliscor
22. Heatran (Fire)
23. Houndoom
24. Metagross (St)
25. Mew (Dark or Psy)
26. Mewtwo
27. Rhyperior
28. Salamence
29. Tyranitar
30. Yanmega
31. Altaria
32. Ambipom
33. Azelf
34. Bronzong
35. Celebi
36. Claydol
37. Cloyster
38. Drifblim
39. Donphan
40. Dugtrio
41. Electivire
42. Electrode
43. Gengar
44. Groudon
45. Honchkrow
46. Ho-Oh (made by LV)
47. Kyogre
48. Lickylicky
49. Lugia
50. Luxray
51. Magmortar
52. Magnezone
53. Mespirit
54. Ninjask
55. Poliwrath
56. Probopass
57. Rayquaza
58. Regigigas
59. Regice
60. Regirock
61. Registeel
62. Rotom
63. Sableye
64. Scizor
65. Shedinja
66. Togekiss
67. Toxicroak
68. Aipom
69. Bibarrel
70. Cascoon
71. Dragonair
72. Electabuzz
73. Flaafy
74. Gabite
75. Glalie
76. Gligar
77. Haunter
78. Kadabra
79. Kakuna
80. Lairon
81. Lickytung
82. Loudred
83. Luxio
84. Magmar
85. Magneton
86. Metang
87. Metapod
88. Nosepass
89. Poliwhirl
90. Pupitar
91. Rhydon
92. Scyther
93. Shelgon
94. Silcoon
95. Togetic
96. Uxie
97. Abra
98. Aron
99. Bagon
100. Baltoy
101. Beldum
102. Bidoof
103. Bronzor
104. Cacnea
105. Caterpie
106. Corphish
107. Croagunk
108. Cubone
109. Diglett
110. Dratini
111. Drifloon
112. Elekid
113. Gastly
114. Gible
115. Houndour
116. Larvitar
117. Magby
118. Magnemite
119. Mareep
120. Murkrow
121. Nincada
122. Numel
123. Phanpy
124. Poliwag
125. Rhyhorn
126. Seel
127. Shelder
128. Shinx
129. Shuppet
130. Snorunt
131. Swablu
132. Togepi
133. Voltorb
134. Weedle
135. Whismur
136. Wurmple
137. Yanma
138. Bebe's Research
139. Casted Fire
140. Doom Ball
141. Fallen Pokemon (stadium)
142. Recruitments (supporter)
143. Steven's Advice
144. Pokeball
145. Potion
146. Switch
147. Energy Recycle System
Lv. Xs (all Dark or regular types)
148. Arceus
149. Celebi
150. Jirachi
151. Mew
Credit to Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach for half of the list.
Red: Spoiler Done
Hyperlinked: Card/Fake Done
Blue: Fake In Progress
Green: Trainer- No Spoiler needed(That doesn't mean I don't want them....)
Set symbol:

Creator: Golem King
Co-Creator: Dragon Rider of PokeBeach
Spoiler Makers: Dragon Rider of PokeBeach, iKyLeZ, Ka'Mewie:- (need more)
Card Fakers: Golem King, iKyLeZ, Ka'Mewie:-, EMPOLEON82294 (need more)
1. Aggron
2. Alakazam
3. Ampharos
4. Arceus (Dark or Norm.)
5. Banette
6. Beautifly
7. Beedrill
8. Butterfree
9. Cacturne (Dark)
10. Camerupt
11. Crawdaunt (Water)
12. Cresselia
13. Darkrai (Dark)
13. Dewgong
14. Dialga
15. Dragonite
16. Dustox
17. Exploud
18. Froslass
19. Garchomp
20. Giratina
21. Gliscor
22. Heatran (Fire)
23. Houndoom
24. Metagross (St)
25. Mew (Dark or Psy)
26. Mewtwo
27. Rhyperior
28. Salamence
29. Tyranitar
30. Yanmega
31. Altaria
32. Ambipom
33. Azelf
34. Bronzong
35. Celebi
36. Claydol
37. Cloyster
38. Drifblim
39. Donphan
40. Dugtrio
41. Electivire
42. Electrode
43. Gengar
44. Groudon
45. Honchkrow
46. Ho-Oh (made by LV)
47. Kyogre
48. Lickylicky
49. Lugia
50. Luxray
51. Magmortar
52. Magnezone
53. Mespirit
54. Ninjask
55. Poliwrath
56. Probopass
57. Rayquaza
58. Regigigas
59. Regice
60. Regirock
61. Registeel
62. Rotom
63. Sableye
64. Scizor
65. Shedinja
66. Togekiss
67. Toxicroak
68. Aipom
69. Bibarrel
70. Cascoon
71. Dragonair
72. Electabuzz
73. Flaafy
74. Gabite
75. Glalie
76. Gligar
77. Haunter
78. Kadabra
79. Kakuna
80. Lairon
81. Lickytung
82. Loudred
83. Luxio
84. Magmar
85. Magneton
86. Metang
87. Metapod
88. Nosepass
89. Poliwhirl
90. Pupitar
91. Rhydon
92. Scyther
93. Shelgon
94. Silcoon
95. Togetic
96. Uxie
97. Abra
98. Aron
99. Bagon
100. Baltoy
101. Beldum
102. Bidoof
103. Bronzor
104. Cacnea
105. Caterpie
106. Corphish
107. Croagunk
108. Cubone
109. Diglett
110. Dratini
111. Drifloon
112. Elekid
113. Gastly
114. Gible
115. Houndour
116. Larvitar
117. Magby
118. Magnemite
119. Mareep
120. Murkrow
121. Nincada
122. Numel
123. Phanpy
124. Poliwag
125. Rhyhorn
126. Seel
127. Shelder
128. Shinx
129. Shuppet
130. Snorunt
131. Swablu
132. Togepi
133. Voltorb
134. Weedle
135. Whismur
136. Wurmple
137. Yanma
138. Bebe's Research
139. Casted Fire
140. Doom Ball
141. Fallen Pokemon (stadium)
142. Recruitments (supporter)
143. Steven's Advice
144. Pokeball
145. Potion
146. Switch
147. Energy Recycle System
Lv. Xs (all Dark or regular types)
148. Arceus
149. Celebi
150. Jirachi
151. Mew
Credit to Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach for half of the list.