Golem King said:
Updated list!
iKyLeZ: Your a faker right? Of course, your in my contest. Can you make spoilers while my broken fingers heal? (Using brother as decoy) Doctor says it will be better by Wednesday!
Alright, i'll continue making spoilers. After your contest ends, then will i start making the fakes. hope you dont mind with that
And btw, here are some commons and uncommons of the spoilers i did.
Wurmple (G)
HP 60
(.) Thread Cacoon
Search your deck for a card that evolves from Wurmple and put it onto Wurmple.During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to This Pokemon is reduced by 30.
(G) Poison Sting 10
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.
Weakness : (R) +10 Retreat Cost : Retreat Cost : (C)
Silcoon (G)
HP 80
Evolves From Wurmple.
(G) Pop-Out Spore
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. Flip a Coin. If Heads, Search your deck for a card that evolves from Silcoon and put it onto Silcoon.
(C) (C) Tackle 30
Weakness : (R) +20 Resistance : Retreat Cost : (C) (C)
Cascoon (G)
HP 80
Evolves From Wurmple
(G) Pop-Out Spore
Flip a Coin. If Heads, The Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed and search your deck for a card that evolves from Cascoon.Then, Put it onto Silcoon.
(C) (C) Hard Tackle 40
Cascoon attack does 10 damage to itself.
Weakness : (R)+20 Resistance : Retreat Cost : (C) (C)
Caterpie,Weedle,Kakuna & Metapod will be up soon.