Search results

  1. Zangoosed

    [W]: CATCHERS [H]: Pachi, Shaymin, Primes, Staples

    RE: ~Sergel's Trades~ Have: Gengar Prime, BTS, DCE My: Blaziken FB Lv. X Blaziken FB x 2 (RH) HGSS Sleeves Sealed Your: Gengar Prime
  2. Zangoosed

    Interested in buying ex and * cards and other cards (updated wants)

    RE: Interested in buying ex and * cards Paypal is preferred.
  3. Zangoosed

    Interested in buying ex and * cards and other cards (updated wants)

    RE: Interested in buying ex and * cards Ok Metagross * $25 Dragonite delta EX $9 So $35 shipped? Are you planning on using Paypal or cash/check/money order?
  4. Zangoosed

    Zeno503 Trade Thread - Looking for DCE's,

    RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's Check my list for your: Machamp Prime Dialga/Palkia Legend Bottom Umbreon Prime
  5. Zangoosed

    Amy's Trading Thread :]

    My: Machamp SF Machop SF Your: Lost World LMK thx
  6. Zangoosed

    Interested in buying ex and * cards and other cards (updated wants)

    RE: Interested in buying ex and * cards I have these: Rocket's Zapdos EX $13 Typhlosion EX (Sandstorm) $10 Raikou EX (TATM) $10 Suicune EX (TATM) $15 Groudon EX (Hidden Legends) $10 Dragonite delta EX $9 Metagross * $25 I matched or beat all Troll and Toad prices. Free shipping...
  7. Zangoosed

    ~~ ash_satoshi

    RE: ash_satoshi Great trader! Great communication! Cards came quickly and well packaged! +1 Positive Ref
  8. Zangoosed

    I have the goods! :)

    RE: My trade thread :) W: RH stuff H: Blaziken FB lv.x and Gengar prime!!!! Im interested in the Gengar Prime. I have: 1 Power spray 1 Garchomp C Lv.x 3 Energi gain 3 Spiritomb (1 RH) 1 Magnezone Lv.x 2 Charizard (AR) 2 Typhloison prime 1 Ninetales (HGSS) 1 Donphan Prime Let me...
  9. Zangoosed

    SR's Wants - W: RAIKOU STUFF H: PayPal, $

    RE: SR's Wants - W: RAIKOU, ENTEI, & SUICUNE stuff, GAMESTOP displays/posters H: PayPal, $ Would you be interested in these? Entei 1st Edition Holo #6 Neo Revelation Raikou 1st Edition Holo #13 Neo Revelation Both near mint. LMK thanks
  10. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Luxray X, Gengar X, Donphan Prime, Gyarados SF W: Gengar Prime, Machamp Prime Afro-G: See nothing sorry Techdeck101:I'll pass on that, but I could do: My: DCE x 4 Your: Gengar SF Machamp SF Blaziken FB Vileplume UD
  11. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Luxray X, Gengar X, Donphan Prime, Gyarados SF W: Gengar Prime, Machamp Prime idrumprettywell: Thats ridiculous. How 'bout: Your: Machamp Prime My: Kingdra Prime Jumpluff HGSS RH glaceon: I see Lost World x 3 Gengar_is_Pwnage: See nothing sorry
  12. Zangoosed


    Great trader! Great communication! Very pleased. +1 Positive Ref
  13. Zangoosed


    Great trader! Cards came quick and in great condition! +1 Positive ref
  14. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Luxray X, Gengar X, Donphan Prime, Gyarados SF W: Gengar Prime, Machamp Prime DarkPkmnTrainer: Pretty much Gengar Prime would have to be involved. I could trade it if you had a lot of my other wants and top modified staple trade bait wants, but i would need a good deal of course. LMK...
  15. Zangoosed


    RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) CML for Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime thanks
  16. Zangoosed

    Need SF rares and Legend

    My: x1 Empoleon SF x1 Torterra SF Your: Spiritomb x 2 Triumphant (dont care whether its holo or reverse holo) LMK thanks
  17. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: H: Luxray X, Gengar X, Donphan Prime, Gyarados SF W: Gengar Prime, Machamp Prime UPDATED THREAD! NOW HAVE LUXRAY LV X FOR TRADE
  18. Zangoosed

    ~~ Emperor_Gaius

    RE: mlouden03 Good trader! Great communication! Cards came quickly and in good condition! +1 Positive ref
  19. Zangoosed

    ~~ SnorlaxDude

    RE: SnorlaxDude Excellent trader! Quick and smooth transaction! +1 Positive Ref
  20. Zangoosed

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: UPDATED LIST! W: Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime Torterra_Tank: My: Donphan Prime Lanturn Prime Celebi Prime Your: Mew Prime Gengar_is_Pwnage: Any of your HGSS Primes