H hic2482w Aspiring Trainer Member Jan 26, 2011 #41 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) TO EVERYONE!!! I AM NOT TRADING MY MACHAMP PRIMES, GENGAR PRIMES, MEW PRIMES, CELEBI PRIMES, OR DONPHAN PRIMES
L Lil Wayne .=I Hate to see her go.. love to watch her leave=. Member Jan 26, 2011 #42 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) OK, I just need these: Call Energy DCE (High Want) Is there anything you want off of my list?
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) OK, I just need these: Call Energy DCE (High Want) Is there anything you want off of my list?
K KwiksilverT Aspiring Trainer Member Jan 26, 2011 #43 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) CML for LA Unown R x3 SF Gengar SF Gyarados RR Jirachi TM Magmortar Tyranitar Prime
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) CML for LA Unown R x3 SF Gengar SF Gyarados RR Jirachi TM Magmortar Tyranitar Prime
AdrianSkyline I take ur finchers Member Jan 26, 2011 #44 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Did you take them off your list then?
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Did you take them off your list then?
P Project696 Did you know I'm riding a horse? Member Jan 26, 2011 #45 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Skipped?
G Glace Top 8, Worlds 2013 Advanced Member Member Jan 26, 2011 #46 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) What cards do you want?
XanderPitz1010 So....who likes shirts? Member Jan 26, 2011 #47 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) skipped?
Emperor_Gaius Formerly mlouden03 Member Jan 26, 2011 #48 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) cml for call energy mew prime magnezone prime gengar prime alph 3-4 2 premier ball DCE shaymin land form I have Luxray Gl X if you're interested. lmk
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) cml for call energy mew prime magnezone prime gengar prime alph 3-4 2 premier ball DCE shaymin land form I have Luxray Gl X if you're interested. lmk
kurokitten Pika-Evoloutionary Collector Member Jan 26, 2011 #49 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) I was skipped
H hic2482w Aspiring Trainer Member Jan 26, 2011 #50 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) I'm checking all lists tomorrow when I am free
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) I'm checking all lists tomorrow when I am free
P -Pinkerton- Aspiring Trainer Member Jan 26, 2011 #51 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Cml for red gyarados
Zangoosed Living Legend Member Jan 26, 2011 #52 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) CML for Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime thanks
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) CML for Gengar Prime and Machamp Prime thanks
juunkmilk 3nd coming Member Jan 26, 2011 #53 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Do you have any Sableye SF? If you do, CML for those and a couple DCE.
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Do you have any Sableye SF? If you do, CML for those and a couple DCE.
idrumprettywell magnezone <3 Member Jan 26, 2011 #54 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) cml for kingdra prime and gengar prime
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) cml for kingdra prime and gengar prime
G Godzillian Excellence does not come without effort. Member Jan 26, 2011 #55 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Do you have any Wants? It'd be faster for us to post offers rather than you needing to CML all day. Also more effecient ? (Still interested in that Gengar Prime...)
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Do you have any Wants? It'd be faster for us to post offers rather than you needing to CML all day. Also more effecient ? (Still interested in that Gengar Prime...)
Z Zorua Zedd Advanced Member Member Jan 27, 2011 #56 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Skipped?
Radical144 Aspiring Trainer Member Jan 27, 2011 #57 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Do you have any of these? 1-3 VS seeker (RH EX Fire Red Leaf Green preferred) 1-4 Dual Ball (RH Crystal Guardians preferred)
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Do you have any of these? 1-3 VS seeker (RH EX Fire Red Leaf Green preferred) 1-4 Dual Ball (RH Crystal Guardians preferred)
T The Yoshi Wumbo Member Jan 27, 2011 #58 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Could you CML for as many Jirachi RR as possible?
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Could you CML for as many Jirachi RR as possible?
Gengar_is_Pwnage Happy 20th Sonic (Since '91) Member Jan 27, 2011 #59 RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) CML for Gengar Prime
T The Yoshi Wumbo Member Jan 27, 2011 #60 Um, could you still please CML for Jirachi RR? Sorry for the inconvenience if you have decided to close your thread.
Um, could you still please CML for Jirachi RR? Sorry for the inconvenience if you have decided to close your thread.