• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!


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RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

Did you not read the post above you???

Interested in your Gengar Prime.. can you check my list on my signature for anything that may interest you? Thank you
Read above. I am not interested in trading my Gengar Primes ATM.

Vulpix Yolk
Please check my list for you Donphan Prime, Reverse Unown R, Reverse Sableye Stormfront, Reverse Magikarp SF, reverse Gastly stormfront and your Professor Oak's New Theories.
I will check your list, but I might not want too much. I will see.

CML for:
Celebi Prime
Kingdra Prime
Electrode Prime
Gengar Prime
Not as interested in trading Gengar and celebi. I didn't see anything I liked, SORRY!

Please CML for: (I'm going to make a list, but I don't necessarily want it all)
1x Infernape 4 Lv X
1x Call Energy
1x Roserade GL
1x Luxray GL (RH)
1x Toxicroak PL
1x Skuntank G (RH)
1x Sableye SF (RH)
2x Pokemon Contest Hall

Thanks and LMK if you see anything you're intrested in.

Edit: Do you have any Absol G?
Just realized that I forgot to upload sets Arceus and Supreme Victors. I only have 1 absol, and do not want to trade it. I believe that I can trade everything except for the Infernape. I will check your list.

El Rader
Can you CML for Gengar Prime, Donphan Prime, Machamp Prime, Kingdra Prime, DCE, Gengar SF, Sableye SF, RH Mesprit LA?
I realize I may not have enough for all of that, but anything LMK if there is anything you like and hopefully we can work something out for some of it (I am especially interested in Gengar Prime). Thanks!!
Please see above for Gengar prime. Checking list in a minute

CML for Steelix Prime Please!
Checking list now.

CML for gengar prime and Legends awaken mesprit
Please see above for Gengar Prime. Checking for Mesprit

cml for gengar and mew prime please?

Gengar prime
Mew prime

any 6 primes from my thread
Removing Gengar and Mew from my thread as I am not currently willing to trade them.

I don't see any wants listed, so can you cml for these:

Gengar Prime
Arceus Lv X (#94)
Crobat Prime
Steelix Prime

See above for Gengar Prime. Checking list now.

CML for
LA Unown R x3
SF Gengar
SF Gyarados
RR Jirachi
TM Magmortar
Tyranitar Prime
Donphan Prime
Checking list now.

Please CML for Absol Prime and Uxie
Checking now

Please CML for

Celebi prime
Espeon prime
Magnezone prime
Mew prime
See above for Celebi and Mew. Checking now

I would like your Mew Prime and your Gengar Prime and I've got:

New have, RH Seeker
x3 Mew Prime. I will only it trade for Luxray GL X or a Uxie X or Gengar Prime
1 Groudon EX
1 Rayquaza EX
1 Salamence EX
1 Flareon*
1 Gangar SF
2 Machamp SF
1 Machamp X
2 Rayquaza C 1 Pack 1 Promo
1 Arceus (meteor blast)
1 Vileplume UD
1 Regigigas LA
1 Gyarados SF
1 Mesprit
5 Giratina 2 LA
1 Heatran X
1 Heatran POP
1 Arceus X Omniscient
1 Arceus DARK
1 Garchomp C X Pack

4 Sableye SF

1 Mewtwo X (Used)
1 Lucario GL
2 Starapter FB HOLO 1 RH
1 Blissy Prime
All TIN Primes
Every TM Prime except for Gangar.
Scizor Prime
Full RDL full DCL full PDL


Poke Turn used
3 Cyrus' Initiative
6 Junk Arm
4 Black Belt 1 RH
6 Twins
3 Luxury Ball
1 Pokemon Collector. 1 is used
3 SP Radar
6 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Power Spray
4 Expert Belt 1 RH
4 E-Gain 1 RH
3 Seeker
8 Rescue Energy
Read above for Celebi and Mew Prime. SORRY!

CML for Jumpluff HS (RH), Gyarados HS (RH), Crobat G, Arceus X (94), Mew Prime x1. ~JS
Mew is not for trade. Checking now

im interested in your entei rakiou full
CML for it
Checking now

Please CML for Alph 1-4, Gengar Prime, Machamp Prime, Call energies, and DCE's.
Checking now. Machamp Prime is NOT for trade. SORRY!

RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

What exactly do you want?

CML (check my list) for:


Jumpluff (holo)
Donphan prime
Entei/Raikou legend
Kingdra prime
Tyranitar prime
Glaceon 5 holo only
Pokedex handy

Houndoom prime (not that big of want)
Yanmega prime (not that big of want)
Scizor prime (not that big of want)
Steelix prime (not that big of want)
Toxicroak promo (not that big of want)
DCE (not that big of want)

I know thats a lot of stuff....
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

It's cool. I still need the alph's Calls, and DCE's. LMK how many of each you have as well if I have any of your wants.
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

Mind checking my list for these? I'm not sure how many you have, but I listed the quantity that I need beside each one.

4x Call Energy
8x DCE
4x Uxie, LA (Promo)
2x Espeon Prime
Xx Mew Prime
3x Steelix Prime
Xx Gengar Prime
4x Jirachi, RR
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

BaIn, I DO NOT have Gengars that I am willing to trade. I checked your thread, and I don't see anything that I want atm. Maybe when CoL comes out....

RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

Sorry, didn't see anything I liked
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

Still deciding if I want anything Vulpix. I will probably let you know within a day
Eriq, same with you
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

Please CML for:

Victory Medal

Also what year is it from?
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

What would you want for them?

I really need them for my collection
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

CML for ur gengar prime and machamp prime

RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

CML for
LA Unown R x3
SF Gengar
SF Gyarados
RR Jirachi
TM Magmortar
Tyranitar Prime
Donphan Prime
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

Please CML for:
Uxie Promo
Shaymin X land
Roserade UL x1
Cherrim SF (need 3)
Eevee UD RH
Bebe's Search xX
Cyrus' Initiative (need 2)
Department Store Girl xX
Expert Belt xX
Interviewer's Questions xX
Super Scoop Up (need 4)
Energy Gain (need 2)
Power Spray (need 3)
Poke-turn xX
SP Radar (need 3)

Sorry, I know it's a lot.
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

did you see anything that you liked for your

Palkia/Dialga legend ?
RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades)

CML for your:
1x Gengar Prime

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