Search results

  1. D

    Finished Rename the User Above You (You-person-person-you)

    Jedi Master Flygon. P.S. P_A, it goes for either of us. I'm a "rule breaker". 90%.
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    Finished New game- Are YOU popular? (Updated first post with new forum positions) (You-person-person-you)

    RE: New game- Are YOU popular? (You-person-person-you) Strategist.
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    Finished Rate My Avatar (You-person-person-you)

    RE: Rate My Avatar 8/10 Xous's avatars are awesome, but since you didn't make it yourself it doesn't get a 10/10.
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    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    10/10 I love that banner too.
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    Finished Rate My Avatar (You-person-person-you)

    RE: Rate My Avatar 8/10 Meh... I think you know why.
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    Finished Rename the User Above You (You-person-person-you)

    Master Flygon Jedi :D
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    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    1/10 Not very creative, and Bunny got old a while ago.
  8. D

    Finished Rename the User Above You (You-person-person-you)

    Jedi Flygon Master.
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    Finished Rate My Avatar (You-person-person-you)

    RE: Rate My Avatar 0/10 Don't steal PokePlushies images, even less turn it into a crappy avatar.
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    Finished New game- Are YOU popular? (Updated first post with new forum positions) (You-person-person-you)

    RE: New game- Are YOU popular? (You-person-person-you) Maderator I see you a lot.
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    Finished New game- Are YOU popular? (Updated first post with new forum positions) (You-person-person-you)

    RE: New game- Are YOU popular? Moderator, I see you enough.
  12. D

    Warning Level

    Go to the index of Site Discussion, then see that button in the upper right hand corner? Press that. I've got a 90% warning level, but I can post new threads -_-
  13. D

    Warning Level

    Yeah. I should know -_-
  14. D

    Finished Rename the User Above You (You-person-person-you)

    Bad-renamer-guy Your renames make no sense -_-
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    Finished New game- Are YOU popular? (Updated first post with new forum positions) (You-person-person-you)

    RE: New game- Are YOU popular? Moderator. I've seen you a lot more lately.
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    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

    10/10 I don't need to give a reason. It makes me have to think.
  17. D

    [SoulArt] -- [CLOSED] -- [WILL COME BACK SOON]

    RE: *Finally open* z0n3 g3tt3r's Avatar and Banner Shop *Open* Hey Zone Getter, did you finish Zenin's? He wants me to email it to him.
  18. D

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Seadra