Warning Level

Lou Cypher

The melody of your defeat
This has been bugging me and since the mods I asked in person didn't seem to care, I'll just post it here. Again.

Anyway, I had 1 warn a while back. Worth: 40%. This struck me as odd as said warn has 2 points, so should be 20%. Then I got another +2 warn, which brought me up to 60%. Figuring the earlier +2 warn was a little error, I waited and today it disappeared....and I'm again on 40% with only a +2.

Is this some sort of silly bug or something?
What he is saying is that there is a +2 that is unaccounted for. Otherwise it would probably just be a custom warning.`
I have a warning level, but it says 0% and I can't post any new threads. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?
Go to the index of Site Discussion, then see that button in the upper right hand corner? Press that. I've got a 90% warning level, but I can post new threads -_-
Lou, I actually alerted the other mods about this as I couldn't solve it, but none replied. I'll try to notify someone again.
Yeah, I have no idea what's up with that. I tried revoking all your warnings and you're still at 20%. ;/
Thanks for helping. I only can see new reply in the right corner. Can some mod get rid of this or tell me how to get rid of this warning level.
Dude, try going to a forum instead of a thread to try and post a new thread.

So, here's how you do it:
Click on the Pokébeach logo in the top left corner of the page.
Now, click on the forum category you would like your thread to go in.
Above the list of threads within this forum, you will find to your right a handy button saying:

Click it.

Seriously, a brain can come in handy every once in a while :S

Also, you don't have a single warning, and you never had one. You just have 2 negative reps.
When I looked all I see right now is new reply and nothing else for each thing I click on.
Well, maybe someone who can't even find the "new thread" button should not be allowed to make a thread, for the sake of keeping the forums at least decent. Wouldn't you agree?

Seriously, either you're blind (in which case I wonder how you can even use a computer), or you're just not even reading what I'm trying to say.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to see "New Reply" when you're looking at a FORUM.


Look on the right. It's the New Thread button. :O

This is a thread. You can't make a "new thread" in a thread. You can only make a "new reply" to a thread while you're in it.

Anyhow, like I said before, maybe it's better we just ignore him, because people like that really shouldn't be making threads :S
I mean, geez, if you can't even find the "new thread" button...
Thanks Noobnerd. Awhile ago, when I came back on everything was modified, that's why I didn't know the new thread button was. Also, when I went to the help button, it said click on new topic when you click on a spot. At least, someone is nice, unlike you two Zyflair and Heavenly Spoon :F.
I appreciate the flaming.

Now back on topic, I think that Lou's account may have had an invisble warning on it that was failed to be deleted perhaps?