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  1. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Ensiger's Adoption Agency!

    It's okay man. Apparently my obnoxious 17 year old god daughter decided to come over while LV is out shopping so.... I wouldn't have been able to focus on what I was doing anyway. (Kids. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.)
  2. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) Meh. I'm going to go to the library. How about when I return, you just send over Mudkip and Bronzor (to my Diamond as always, what I've come to call the Darkness League Boot Camp hehe) and I'll EV train them...
  3. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) Okie doke. I'll look at that when LV wakes up, and get back to you.
  4. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) Okie doke. Standard fee of a legend ok by you?
  5. S

    W:Magnezone Yanmega PkmnCatcher H:Primes typh.. Collector DCE LostWorld Victory Medal

    RE: .:|[H] Gengar X Dialga gX Spiritomb Arceus Alot Lv.xs Staples & More Japanese.Sleeves|:. CML for: Japanese Deck Boxs (sealed w/ divider) Arceus Deck Box~Huge Want Arceus/Dialga Deck Box Pluse of the Frontier Deck Box Arceus Jumbo Box~Huge Want **!!!!Japanese Sleeves!!!!** (biggish...
  6. S

    So, I heard you lyke teh pokeman TCG! LETS TRADE! :D

    RE: So, I heard you lyke the pokeman TCG! LETS TRADE! :D I think that I was skipped. Edit: I've got a Rev.Holo Toxicrock G....which I can trade.
  7. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) Thank you. We'll get back to you.
  8. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) Please just fill out the hack check form found in the first post.
  9. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) LV's wifi is down at this time, Mtglax. My platinum flower paradise Shaymin will do the trick. But first I think LV would prefer that we confirm that your PALCITY Manaphy is legit and not hacked to look like...
  10. S

    So, I heard you lyke teh pokeman TCG! LETS TRADE! :D

    RE: So, I heard you lyke the pokeman TCG! LETS TRADE! :D My: Silcoon (PL) Wurmple (PL) Hophip (what set?) Skiploom (what set?) Cyrus's Conspiracy Poochyena (What set do you want?) Snowpoint Temple Edit: Either Electivre (DP1) or Solrock (SV) Your: Shining Magikarp & Chatot G (as a...
  11. S

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokémon Center~Sydney (We've got 7000+ (some are doubles/etc) shiny's on the beach!)

    RE: LV's & Shadelon's Trading Shack (Now with 2 Pokémon Auction's going! & a new shiny) The Shaymin I have is not TRU. It's the Platinum flower paradise one. But it will still unlock the event.
  12. S


    RE: Great Trades Sorry i didnt get back to you. I didnt really see anything. Ok, thanx for getting back to me this time around.
  13. S

    Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

    RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others! Oh, least I gave it a try. Can LV add it to her Plushie wants list on LJ plz? *Yes, She'll give you full credit for the usage of it*
  14. S

    Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

    RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others! Well, I do have a spare Pikachu Plushie.....which holds GB/A/DS/DSi& games.....which I can trade?
  15. S

    Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

    RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others! What if I added in 2 Luxray GL's (non Lv.X)?
  16. S

    Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

    RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others! The latest WE's I've got are: Stormfront or Power Keepers...but only 3 in total...right now, but I can try to find more if u want me to. I know that I don't have 20x of each HP Energy.....but would you...
  17. S


    RE: Great Trades I will check and get back to you. Skipped for a 2nd time.
  18. S

    Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

    RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others! I might have a set of HP Energy's that I could trade....I also have Warp's & Cyclone energy.