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Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

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RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

I have Jumpluff RH x2 and am looking for Gengar LV.X. Please see my list for more. There is a link in the bottom of my profile.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Shadelon said:
CML for that Mime Jr. Poké Doll of yours.
Does he come with all of it's tags attached?

no he doesnt.. umm i really didnt see anything. sorry

GHJamesGH said:
I have Jumpluff RH x2 and am looking for Gengar LV.X. Please see my list for more. There is a link in the bottom of my profile.

well all i seen was the two rh jumpluff's-HGSS. but if you have any of my big wants let me know and we will work out a deal.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
no he doesnt.. umm i really didnt see anything. sorry.
I might have a set of HP Energy's that I could trade....I also have Warp's & Cyclone energy.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Shadelon said:
I might have a set of HP Energy's that I could trade...I also have Warp's & Cyclone energy.
well im looking for 20 of each holo holon phantom energy.. so yeah,. and the warp energy have to be from battle frontiers. so yeah, LMK,thanks.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

The latest WE's I've got are: Stormfront or Power Keepers...but only 3 in total...right now, but I can try to find more if u want me to.
I know that I don't have 20x of each HP Energy.....but would you settle for a set (9 card..with a few throw ins).
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Shadelon said:
The latest WE's I've got are: Stormfront or Power Keepers...but only 3 in total...right now, but I can try to find more if u want me to.
I know that I don't have 20x of each HP Energy...but would you settle for a set (9 card..with a few throw ins).

a set which energy types?

nvm,to be honest i really couldnt do that. sorry
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
a set which energy types?

nvm,to be honest i really couldnt do that. sorry
What if I added in 2 Luxray GL's (non Lv.X)?
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Shadelon said:
What if I added in 2 Luxray GL's (non Lv.X)?
if you have a luxray gl X i could do it for my Mime Jr. plushie. i value him high to be honest. LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
if you have a luxray gl X i could do it for my Mime Jr. plushie. i value him high to be honest. LMK,thanks
Well, I do have a spare Pikachu Plushie.....which holds GB/A/DS/DSi& games.....which I can trade?
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Shadelon said:
Well, I do have a spare Pikachu Plushie...which holds GB/A/DS/DSi& games...which I can trade?
to be honest im not looking for other plushies. sorry
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
to be honest im not looking for other plushies. sorry
Oh, well...at least I gave it a try.
Can LV add it to her Plushie wants list on LJ plz?
*Yes, She'll give you full credit for the usage of it*
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Shadelon said:
Oh, well...at least I gave it a try.
Can LV add it to her Plushie wants list on LJ please?
*Yes, She'll give you full credit for the usage of it*
what do you mean?
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Please CML for the Holon phantoms fighting energy.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

hi would you trade your:

5 RH fighting energy holon phantoms
1x RH blaziken FB
2x RH cursegar

for my:

RH pokemon collector
3x warp energy
1x cyclone energy
1x RH manectric PT

lmk what you think or counter offer k? thanks!
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Soariyant said:
hi would you trade your:

5 RH fighting energy holon phantoms
1x RH blaziken FB
2x RH cursegar

for my:

RH pokemon collector
3x warp energy
1x cyclone energy
1x RH manectric PT

lmk what you think or counter offer k? thanks!

to be honest the only thing i need from all of that is the collector, LMK thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
to be honest the only thing i need from all of that is the collector, LMK thanks

ok -- well what could you do for collector then? i want all of those cards. mostly, the energies.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

JakeKaplan95 said:
Please CML for the Holon phantoms fighting energy.

all i seen was gengar X. LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
all i seen was gengar X. LMK,thanks

i cant trade gengar for just that. ur gonna have 2 lower ur standards cuz the energies are worth $1 a piece
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 2 Rh jumpluffs and others!

JakeKaplan95 said:
i cant trade gengar for just that. ur gonna have 2 lower ur standards cuz the energies are worth $1 a piece
i know this. i know how much cards are worth. i was telling you all i seen was the gengar X. no point in getting snappy.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

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