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Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

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RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

PokeKid Brandon said:
RH Hoppip
RH crobat G
2 Palkia G
2 Mesprit
+some throw ins for your gengar Lv.X?

just wondering what the throw in's would be?
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

how about flygon lv x and palkia g for your uxie lv x and dialga g lv x?
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

please CML for 1x unown g
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

Ian. said:
please CML for 1x unown g

i like your 1 rh gastly-Sf and your azelf-Mt rh. LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

CML for 1 gengar lv x

RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

Please CML for:

-Roseanne's Research [any amount--biggest want of these]
-Uxie Lv. X
-Victory Medal [which color?]
-Any Double Colorless Energy [not sure if you have any]
-Baltoy [if you have it]
-Emerald Set Psychic Energies
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

jumplypluff19 said:
i like your 1 rh gastly-Sf and your azelf-Mt rh. LMK,thanks

i dont have the gastly anymore but ill trade the azelf and something else if you see anything
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

Demmy said:
Please CML for:

-Roseanne's Research [any amount--biggest want of these]
-Uxie Lv. X
-Victory Medal [which color?]
-Any Double Colorless Energy [not sure if you have any]
-Baltoy [if you have it]
-Emerald Set Psychic Energies
i seen these. make an offer. LMK,Thanks

3 Feraligatr Prime
3 Flygon #5 [1H, 1RH, 1NH]-RR
4 Luxray ‘GL’ #9 [3H, 1RH]-RR-kinda big want
1 Alph Lithograph #ONE
1 Unown G
4 Crobat ‘G’-kid of big want
4 Expert Belt
2 Team Galactic’s Wager [2RH]- biggest want

i also have these:

7 roseanns-6 Leauge promo-1 pop8
1 victory medal-gold
1 uxie X
2 emerald psychic energy
cml for azelf lv x, uxie lv x, gengar lv x and dialga g lv x

jumplypluff19 said:
i seen these. make an offer. LMK,Thanks

3 Feraligatr Prime
3 Flygon #5 [1H, 1RH, 1NH]-RR
4 Luxray ‘GL’ #9 [3H, 1RH]-RR-kinda big want
1 Alph Lithograph #ONE
1 Unown G
4 Crobat ‘G’-kid of big want
4 Expert Belt
2 Team Galactic’s Wager [2RH]- biggest want

i also have these:

7 roseanns-6 Leauge promo-1 pop8
1 victory medal-gold
1 uxie X
2 emerald psychic energy

2 Glactic’s Wager [RH]
2 Luxray GL
2 Flygon

4 Roseanne’s [inc. the one POP one]
Victory Medal
2 Psychic Energy

Lemme know or counter. :] I suck at making first offers lol
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