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Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: some stuff,come look!

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RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Soariyant said:

i could do one HP fighting energy for your 1 rh pokemon collector. LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
i could do one HP fighting energy for your 1 rh pokemon collector. LMK,thanks

nice try. no thanks. gl with your trades amigo.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Soariyant said:
nice try. no thanks. gl with your trades amigo.
okay then. the most ill do for 1 rh pokemon collector is 2 to 3 HP fighting energy. LMK,if you want to trade. thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
okay then. the most ill do for 1 rh pokemon collector is 2 to 3 HP fighting energy. LMK,if you want to trade. thanks

I really want all 5 and would trade:

1 rh pokemon collector
3 x warp energy

for all of them.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and oth

CML for the Mime Jr. Pokedoll.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Soariyant said:
I really want all 5 and would trade:

1 rh pokemon collector
3 x warp energy

for all of them.
are the warp energy rh or battle frontier holo?

SotH said:
CML for the Mime Jr. Pokedoll.

i seen flygon X and glaceon X... but that may seem a bit much maybe if you choose one to trade maybe? of do you have any of my wants? if so please LMK and we will work out a deal. LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
are the warp energy rh or battle frontier holo?

SotH said:
CML for the Mime Jr. Pokedoll.

nuts . . . theyre not. i also have 1 cyclone enrgy.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Soariyant said:
nuts . . . theyre not. i also have 1 cyclone enrgy.
well hmm. do you have any of my deck needs? auch as all the rh stuff i have listed as my big wants?
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
well hmm. do you have any of my deck needs? auch as all the rh stuff i have listed as my big wants?

there is a tiny chance that i have a RH hoppip hgss.
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

Soariyant said:
there is a tiny chance that i have a RH hoppip hgss.
are there anymore cards you have that are my big wants?
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

cml for a poketurn
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

jumplypluff19 said:
SotH said:
CML for the Mime Jr. Pokedoll.

i seen flygon X and glaceon X... but that may seem a bit much maybe if you choose one to trade maybe? of do you have any of my wants? if so please LMK and we will work out a deal. LMK,thanks

Well, if it specifically says "Pokemon Center" on the tag, I really don't mind trading Glaceon lv.X for it.

So LMK, if not take a pic if you can. ;D

Please and Thanks​
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, 1 Rh jumpluffs and others!

SotH said:
i seen flygon X and glaceon X... but that may seem a bit much maybe if you choose one to trade maybe? of do you have any of my wants? if so please LMK and we will work out a deal. LMK,thanks

Well, if it specifically says "Pokemon Center" on the tag, I really don't mind trading Glaceon lv.X for it.

So LMK, if not take a pic if you can. ;D

Please and Thanks​

:( sadly it doesnt... is there any possiable way to trade it for the glaceon X? LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

Sorry, not really was mainly interested in that.

But you should change the picture so you don't miss guide people. :D
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

SotH said:
Sorry, not really was mainly interested in that.

But you should change the picture so you don't miss guide people. :D

dang it. umm are you interested in anything else on my thred? id like to make a trade. :) LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

cml for vs seeker, 1x dialga g lv x, uxie lv x, gengar lv x, 2x TGI energy RH, and 1x RH power spray

RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

coach4312 said:
cml for vs seeker, 1x dialga g lv x, uxie lv x, gengar lv x, 2x TGI energy RH, and 1x RH power spray


all i seen was flygon X, palkia g,poke turn,2 luxray gl,and 1 rh jumpluff. make me an offer. LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

flygon lv x and palkia g for dialga g lv x, uxie lv x, 2x RH TGI enrgy gain, and 1x RH power spray

counter or lmk
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

coach4312 said:
flygon lv x and palkia g for dialga g lv x, uxie lv x, 2x RH TGI enrgy gain, and 1x RH power spray

counter or lmk

sorry but no. you need to make a better offer than that. flygon X is a high priced card but so is dialga G X and uxie X along with my rh Sp T/S. so make a different offer. LMK,thanks
RE: Have: Mime Jr. plushie, and ALOT of others! Need: 2 lux X, Need Palkia lock cards!

RH Hoppip
RH crobat G
2 Palkia G
2 Mesprit
+some throw ins for your gengar Lv.X?
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