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  1. M

    XY Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon

    Found the release from Nintendo I read earlier
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    XY Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon

    I was unable to log onto eshop straight through until last night, as were a lot of people over the couple days around Christmas. I'd figure they're bringing back services in a staggered manner while they beef up their servers. I'd like it if they were taking the time to strengthen hack checks...
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    XY Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon

    I was under the understanding that the combination of pokebank, and all the new 3ds's and wiius accessing the eshop simply overloaded things, if the servers are having trouble with the excess traffic it's a shame, but at the same time I'm sure they were surprised by the massive upswing in...
  4. M

    XY Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon

    Awesome, that's an unexpected incentive. I was going to sign up anyways, but an event legendary for doing so is a nice surprise.
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    Pokemon Pokémon That Look Better Than Their Evolved Forms

    RE: Pokemon That Look Better Than Their Evolved Forms Most of what I would have picked has already been mentioned (Dragonair, Turtwig, etc.) but there's one whose evolution has bothered me since way back in gen 1 - Jigglypuff > Wigglytuff. Those eyes put me ill at ease.
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    XY What Are You Using the Master Ball for?

    Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread! I still have mine, ultra'd my yveltal, mewtwo, zygarde, and bird. Not sure what I'm saving it for, but it's nice to have it there just in case.
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    XY Game Update: Instacheck Blocked and More

    Insta check didn't affect me one way or the other, but I'm glad it turfed BA, even when I get decimated rating battles are more fun than free and I'm glad they're back.
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    Pokemon "Unpopular" Pokémon You Like?

    Do you like any unpopular Pokémon? Trubbish is a good choice, they're very endearing. Love the ralphduck avatar btw, that's fantastic.
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    Pokemon "Unpopular" Pokémon You Like?

    RE: Do you like any unpopular Pokémon? A couple "unpopular" favourites from early to now, I always really liked Magikarp. Way more than Gyarados. I've never really been sure why, but Magikarp have just always seemed really neat to me. I always admire the tenacity of the trainer in the games...
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    XY X / Y Soundtrack Now Available on iTunes for $10 USD!

    XY soundtrack now available on iTunes for $10 USD! Definitely going to grab this, there are some great tunes in x y.
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    VGC Allows Only Kalos Native Pokemon to Participate (Work in progress)

    RE: Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon True. I've been playing since R/B but just got into competitive, but I do feel for the people who've put tons of hours breeding and training into their prior teams. That said, a chance to start over can be great fun to try new things.
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    VGC Allows Only Kalos Native Pokemon to Participate (Work in progress)

    RE: Pokémon Bank: Cloud Storage for Pokémon Seems reasonable, then again I didn't really get interested in online play until this gen, so all my prior version pokemon are best suited to breeding stuff in anyways.
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    Question Trading with Passerby / Acquaintance

    I've had some really great trades where I've scored rare stuff and legendaries for pokemon they seemed interested in, and made generally good trades, and I've also had the trade requests where nothing comes of it. If it's clear they're just starting out and don't really have anything I'll toss...
  14. M

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi Everyone! found these forums when I was looking for some info, I really enjoy reading the posts so figured I'd make an account. I've been playing pokemon since red/blue on the GB, and after being disappointed with the 5th gen I am completely into Pokemon Y in a big way. I haven't logged this...