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  1. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    I retain my right to forfeit whenever I want, just like in real life. ;I Now if I joined your game and forfeited repeatedly (thus gumming up the system and preventing it from functioning the way it was intended) then we'd have a legitimate problem.
  2. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [v14 live] Since the recent updates, I've noticed a huge spike in lagging out and back end glitches. Anyone else notice this?
  3. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [v14 live] Great update! :)
  4. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [BCR-on live] What's the deal with Genesis? Been out for several days.
  5. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator That is really really funny, haha
  6. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] Eev, I don't know if anyone dislikes me for farming; if they do, I would have to ask why. I spoke with Admin multiple times about it, and he was fine with whatever I did within the framework of his infrastructure. I...
  7. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] I'm willing to help moderate in whatever way you need. You know how I prioritize a positive environment, support your decisions, and generally hope for great things for this program.
  8. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] Those are some really good ideas, Verb. Why not always be so civil? (:
  9. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live] It would really help to have some sort of warning/banning mechanism. It's stressful to be called bad names and cursed at by Verbatim. He calls me the the worst things he can think of literally every time we play.
  10. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live] ...what?
  11. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live] Thanks Athena. You give good points. I don't want to shame anyone. There's already enough of that, I think. It just seemed like a perfect time to bring the issue up, and like you said, there were witnesses. It would be...
  12. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live] The game is heading in a very positive direction. However, something absolutely needs to be done about trading. The honor system simply won't work, as more people like stephenacevedo1 start playing. There's a problem...
  13. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live] A die in the chat room would make things go wayy, WAYYYY more smoothly, for the player run tournaments. Right now it's really archaic, the way they're deciding things like who uses which gym leader in tournaments. AOL...
  14. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live] I'm sorry for complaining if it bothered you, Verbatim. I was just talking playfully competitively during the game like I would've in real life. Yeah I Snuck Away, ER'd and Oak'd, but I kept missing energy drops, and...
  15. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live] Look Eevee, I know you and perhaps others think farming "ruins the game." But in reality it would make cards more accessible for everyone. Or do you think it should be so difficult to get competitive cards that no-one...
  16. AuburnSky

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live] Hello TCGONE players, and Axpendix. I am here to give thoughtful feedback of my experiences with the game over the past couple of days. I have played the Pokemon TCG for several years, and have won and/or topped...
  17. AuburnSky

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello Pokebeach. -My name is Skyler Knopp, or AuburnSky. Auburndale is the town I grew up in, and I love sunsets. -I've joined in order to take part in the feedback thread for, a cool but fledgling simulator for the pokemon tcg. -I found out about Pokebeach from Wilyfungi a couple of...