TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

By the way, those energy packs we talked about are important for begginers too.

I sell lots but as you all can see i dont propose things thinking about what is good to me.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Psiqueatog said:
Dont mislead people. If you get 7 points it is cause you just put Erika and won in the first turn.
15 seconds match What do you want? 30 points for that?
Even 3 prizes only got me 7 points.

In a few of those games, I also used Lass on the first turn and saw that you had more than one basic, you just weren't playing them.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

TheAnticipationEevee said:
Same Tash I took 3 prizes many times only getting 7 points
The 7 points itself isn't the issue.

People keep throwing games on turn 1 unless they get a significant lead early on. They'll just play a single 40HP Pokemon and do nothing until I kill it. Then they keep rebattling until they get a lucky hand. I don't get points in any circumstance against these people and they make it hard to battle anyone else, because they want to get a lucky hand and get the 80 points.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

TCG One Gym Only Tournaments! Click Link (GOOD PRIZES)!
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

People keep throwing games on turn 1 unless they get a significant lead early on
...Yeah. I suffered through the same thing.

The same type of person who will Sneak away two crucial cards I need, use ER three times straight, and then Oak so he can keep swinging next turn... and then whine when he makes a tiny misclick somewhere.

He then won, 20/80 points in his favor. Ridiculous.

I propose a sort of cool-down period when you surrender. Upon surrendering, you cannot join/create another game for, say, a minute.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Verbatim said:
I propose a sort of cool-down period when you surrender. Upon surrendering, you cannot join/create another game for, say, a minute.

Cool, I'll be doing it.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Well i dont know why i defend the point system. I like math and i have played lots of tcg. However, what i proposed after much thinking (¡I DID have already taken into account deckingout rewards and surrendering problem!) is not what it has been implemented. The balance formula is the same but the scoring is not, which is the base.
I have tried to defend what it was closer to it, fighting selfish/false arguments, admiting flaws, but now I dont even know how it works. It has not been explained to me... Not the "anti-farming" change, not the last point increase... nothing.

I cant even say if those 7 points with 3 rewards is because a noob deck owned Tash or the system is completely broken with the latest changes.

Complain as much as you want... I wont say anything. And even if you want to let pro decks get 150 everymatch, whip anyone surrendering, give the whole collection to new players, it is okay.
I will just log a few times the next month, if i dont like it, i will give out my stuff to new players.

This is what I wrote 1 month ago (page10 of forum) to fit the balance system.
Psiqueatog said:
This is what i suggest:
+10 / participation for the winner
+5 / for prize for both players
+10 / Deckout for the winner
+1 / every 2 turns (10 max. reward) for the winner
+1 / every 4 turns for both players
+1 / every 20 seconds your opponent take (10 max. reward) for both players

You get 10 if he surrenders at the beggining, slightly more if you knock a pokemon, more every round until turn20, slighlty more according to the time he spends, and a low reward for both players if the match takes many turns (as agaisnt deckout).

By the way i consider important setting an inactivity limit, not turnlimit as you can do many things in a turn, but 30 seconds after which it allows you to get the victory.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

axpendix said:
Verbatim said:
I propose a sort of cool-down period when you surrender. Upon surrendering, you cannot join/create another game for, say, a minute.

Cool, I'll be doing it.
That's a good start. Can you think of any way to get around the non-surrendering game-throwing, too? (Like I said, instead of outright surrendering, they'll just sit around with a single 40 HP basic doing nothing until I KO it)
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Verbatim said:
People keep throwing games on turn 1 unless they get a significant lead early on
...Yeah. I suffered through the same thing.

The same type of person who will Sneak away two crucial cards I need, use ER three times straight, and then Oak so he can keep swinging next turn... and then whine when he makes a tiny misclick somewhere.

He then won, 20/80 points in his favor. Ridiculous.

I'm sorry for complaining if it bothered you, Verbatim. I was just talking playfully competitively during the game like I would've in real life. Yeah I Snuck Away, ER'd and Oak'd, but I kept missing energy drops, and you kept getting heads on para flips! Haha, it was frustrating!
Give me a break! It was almost 4AM and I was pretty tired, too.

And like I told you at the time, on the games I surrendered, I had accidentally clicked the wrong deck. I made a new game immediately after I surrendered, and then we played full games. (You gotta tell the whole story!)

On a lighter note, the bits for quickplay are really nice! Especially for now
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Speaking of which, now that quickplay gives points, can we just do away with the "deck score" thing altogether? New players actually have a way of earning points early on now. I'd really like people to go back to using their real decks in career mode.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Tash said:
Speaking of which, now that quickplay gives points, can we just do away with the "deck score" thing altogether? New players actually have a way of earning points early on now. I'd really like people to go back to using their real decks in career mode.

Yea, cause every time I win (takes 6 prizes vs opp's 1) the opponent will get 33 and I will get 48. Some other battles (I take 5 opp takes 2 ) results in opp getting more. Then what's the point of winning if you get less, that's the same as losing.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Lol this that happened today with new players was funny

"[Psiqueatog](17:20:01): you suck eevee
[Psiqueatog](17:20:15): you are not playing pokemon
[TheEevee](17:20:17): you take advantage of the admin
[Psiqueatog](17:20:25): that is what everybody complained about in forum
[TheEevee](17:20:42): cause you are taking advantage
[Psiqueatog](17:21:01): i lose many matches
[TheEevee](17:21:13): Losing doesn't matter
[TheEevee](17:21:23): cause u use bad becks
[TheEevee](17:22:08): Ur not letting others get bits
[Psiqueatog](17:22:26): reallly?
[meiko](17:22:28): really Eevee? you're gonna complain about people not getting bits?
[meiko](17:22:48): that every cares about bits too much
[TheEevee](17:22:51): I don't overpower
[southrufus](17:22:55): psi, when I ebat you earlier didn't we both get a fair amount of bits?
[meiko](17:22:55): yeah you do
[southrufus](17:24:01): I think everytime I play eevee I play against a water deck and tend to get 1/3rd normal amount of bits"
[meiko](17:24:40): Eevee, why are you so against your opponent getting bits, too?
[TheEevee](17:24:48): I'm not
[Psiqueatog](17:24:52): maybe eevee you should think about improving, not just using the best cards
[TheEevee](17:25:05): I AM NOT USING THE BEST CARDS
[TheEevee](17:25:22): Created a new game.
[Psiqueatog](17:25:24): and why are you angry about me getting bits using normal cards?
[meiko](17:25:28): Eevee, when you complain that I get a lot of points even though you thoroughly beat me, that means you get mad when your opponent gets bits too
[southrufus](17:26:25): shouldn't people be rewarded for playing well against a superior deck?
[meiko](17:26:31): exactly
[meiko](17:28:58): use interesting cards, not OP cards
[meiko](17:29:07): Eevee, that is exactly how new players feel"

And what new players say when you dont use such a good deck...
"[Psiqueatog](17:30:13): hi good luck
Player A played Bill.
Player A drew 2 card
[southrufus](17:30:15): your current deck is fun to play against
[southrufus](17:30:44): a turn 2 or 3 garadose isn't
[southrufus](17:31:34): eevee's dragon, I can't spell
[Psiqueatog](17:31:41): gyarados"
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

you should at least post the WHOLE conversation.
your just trying show that we are NOT having fun and ARGUING.
If you saw the whole conversation, then it wouldn't sound so bad


Psiqueatog, the system is supposed to help NEW players get points not players who have BAD decks.
Admin, if you simply changed the system to Level Difference instead of Power difference it will make everyone happy.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

New thing that I am doing to make the game more fun
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

A die in the chat room would make things go wayy, WAYYYY more smoothly, for the player run tournaments.
Right now it's really archaic, the way they're deciding things like who uses which gym leader in tournaments.

AOL chat has a feature where you'd type //roll, and a die would "roll," (a number would come up)
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

Now when someone gets bugged or doesnt play you not only have to surrender and lose the bits, but also have time lock to play after that.
Please implement the 1 minute inactivity timer.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

More announcements to make:
  1. Surrender/Logout cooldown feature is live and set to 1 minute.
  2. Inactivity timeout will soon be implemented.
  3. Energy packs are not forgotten and will soon be available.
  4. "Can you think of any way to get around the non-surrendering game-throwing, too? (Like I said, instead of outright surrendering, they'll just sit around with a single 40 HP basic doing nothing until I KO it)"
    I can do nothing about that.
  5. "A die in the chat room would make things go wayy, WAYYYY more smoothly, for the player run tournaments."
    It'll be done soon enough, usable with /roll in chat.
  6. More people are starting to think some cards have "glitched" coin flips that works either heads or tails all the time. All coin flips are handled by same routine so this is NOT true and is only related to good or bad luck.
  7. Quests are near completion and here is the tentaitive quest list (each one rewards 100 bits): Note that they're not meant to be fully balanced with each other.
    • win 5 games*
    • deal 2500 damage
    • play 100 trainers
    • evolve 75 pokemon
    • take 100 prizes
    • draw 1000 cards
    • attach 200 energies
    • apply 50 special conditions
    • deal 1000 [anytype] damage
    • deal 1000 damage to [anytype]
    • flip 100 heads
    • apply 100 weaknesses to your opponent
    • resist 100 times
    • play for 60 minutes
    • battle with 10 different people
    • buy 5 [expansion] booster packs (reward: +1 of same booster)
    Short reminder of how questing will work: Every day at 01:00, 5 quests will be randomly selected from this list and put on the quests page. Every day, each player can select up to 3 quests from that list and work on them (max. 10 at a time). Quests can be abandoned.
  8. Achievements should follow quests. Here I devised some, I'm sure there can be more. BTW not all of them will offer promo cards, as most of them are easy to obtain with 2nd accounts. Rewards need to be decided. (I might need some help)
    • come at me - survive a selfdestruct
    • feeling lucky - flip 5 heads consecutively
    • so close - take all your prizes with less than 3 cards in your deck and no bench
    • psy? - apply a special condition to your own pokemon
    • problem? - deal 300+ single damage**
    • mighty heart - endure 100+ damage**
    • unending fury - have a machamp strike back 5 different pokemon.
    • therapist - have a drowzee hypnotize 10 different pokemon
    • eeeeeeek veteran - use eeeeeeek 10 times in a game
    • baby killer - ohko a baby pokemon which was holding a focus band
    • raging - deal 200+ damage with a base set gyarados**
    • did what? - donk win with 70+ damage on turn 1**
    • impenetrable - negate 200+ damage with a mr.mime**
    • that was quick - play a single game for an hour
    • opening ceremony - use 4 oaks in single turn
    • surrender now or prepare to fight! - collect all rocket's pokemon
    • hidden power - complete the unown alphabet
    • addicted - play 100 games in a day
    • flower garden - battle with 100 different people
    • leader of the week - be #1 at the end of a week
    • leader of the month - be #1 at the end of a month
    • super sale - buy a magikarp for 9999+ bits**
    • is it even possible? - gain 100+ bits in a single battle**
    • the apprentice - reach level 6
    • the regular - reach level 11
    • the expert - reach level 16
    • the adept - reach level 21
    • the elite - reach level 26
    • the master - reach level 31
    • the grand master - reach level 36
    • the champion - reach level 41
    • the legend - reach level 46
    • that stinkin' old fish - Have 50 Magikarp Cards (Base Set) in your Collection
    • a happy couple - Have 4 Nidoqueen and 4 Nidoking Cards in your Collection
    • jus' keep on diggin' - Receive 10000 Bits in your Career
    • gold mine - Receive 50000 Bits in your Career
    • that's a lot - Spend 10000 Bits in your Career
    • spending treasure - Spend 50000 Bits in your Career
    • ohhhh shiny - Complete the Base Set Expansion
    • welcome to the jungle - Complete the Jungle Expansion
    • dome or helix? - Complete the Fossil Expansion
    • villains await - Complete the Team Rocket Expansion
    • badges, badges - Complete the Gym Heroes Expansion
    • don't you love those badges - Complete the Gym Challenge Expansion
*win games should only work with >3 min matches
** [number]+ means greater than or equal to

BTW, great matches are going on nowadays, maybe somebody should record those videos -preferably with commentary- and put them up on youtube?

Suggestions are welcome.
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

4. (scoring 10-0 at the beginning as i proposed should fix that)
RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon TCG simulator [Neo Series Live]

- It's for the best, I know it - Collect 10 different Pikachu cards (probably be easier as the game goes on, but it's doable with promos)
- Complete Pokedex - Finish Base-Jungle-Fossil
- Dragonslayer - Do 1500 damage with any Clefary, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Togepi, Togetic, Marril, Azumarril, Snubble, Granbul, Mr. Mime, Cleffa, or Igglybuff
- Kanto Circuit - Win 5 times with a deck containing only Pokemon belonging to each of the Kanto gym leaders (40 games total)
- Mewtwo Strikes Back - KO 30 Pokemon with Mewtwo or Mew
- The Power of One - Win a match with an attack from Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Neo Lugia (4 separate games).
- Spell of the Unown - Activate Unown F, U, G, and H
- Timeless encounter - Win 10 games with a deck containing at least 8 Pokemon who evolve from mysterious fossil (ahaha, screw you celebi)
- Indigo Champion - Finish the Kanto thing, when it gets programmed
- Welcome - Freebie (the reason for this has to do with a suggestion for quest-related promos)

Suggested list of Promo achievements:

01 - Pikachu "Welcome"
02 - Electabuzz "The Regular"
03 - Mewtwo "The Master"
04 - Pikachu "The Expert"
05 - Dragonite "The Adept"
06 - Arcanine "Ooooh Shiny"
07 - Jigglypuff "Dragonslayer"
08 - Mew "Just Keep on Diggin"
09 - Mew "Complete Pokedex"
10 - Meowth _______________
11 - Eevee ______________
12 - Mewtwo "Mewtwo Strikes Back"
13 - Venusaur "Welcome to the Jungle"
14 - Mewtwo "Indigo Champion"
15 - Cool Porygon ___________
16 - Computer Error "Opening Ceremony"
17 - Dark Persian "Villains Await"
18 - Team Rocket's Meowth "Surrender Now or Prepare to Fight"
19 - Sabrina's Abra "Don't You Love Those Badges"
20 - Psyduck "Psy?"
21 - Moltres ___________
22 - Articuno "Dome or Helix?"
23 - Zapdos "Power of One"
24 - ______'s Pikachu "Badges, Badges"
25 - Flying Pikachu "Kanto Circuit"
26 - Pikachu _________________
27 - Pikachu "Finish 20 quests"
28 - Surfing Pikachu "The Elite"
29 - Marril "Finish Neo Genesis"
30 - Togepi "Finish Southern Islands"
31 - Cleffa "eeeeeeek Veteran"
32 - Smeargle "Finish Neo Discovery"
33 - Scizor "Finish Neo Revelation"
34 - Entei "Hidden Power"
35 - Pichu "It's for the best I know it"
36 - Igglybuff "Baby Killer"
37 - Hitmontop ___________
38 - Unown J "Spell of the Unown"
39 - Misdreavus "Finish Neo Destiny"
40 - Pokemon Center "Finish Base 2"
41 - Lucky Stadium "Feeling Lucky"
42 - Pokemon Tower "Finish Legendary Collection"
43-49 Promos "Deal ____ Damage _____ type Pokemon"
50 - Celebi "Timeless Encounter"
51 - Rapidash "Finish Aquapolis"
52 - Ho-oh "Finish Skyridge"
53 - Suicune "Finish Expedition"

There are 6 that had no good fit. I didn't feel like forcing something random onto them. I tried to do three things:
a.) Make the reward for the achievement make sense on some level
b.) Avoid tying anything to outright ridiculous achievements
c.) Keep most of the usable promos somewhat obtainable (except Mewtwo. If you want thing, you'd better be ready to earn it)

Tash's Chansey "Be Tash"