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  1. thekoggles

    'Pokemon TCG,' 'Puzzle Challenge' Coming to Virtual Console in November; More ORAS Demo Distribution

    No. Just that Primals aren't counted towards Mega evolving
  2. thekoggles

    Gallade-EX Box in January! [10/14]

    I wonder if it's possible we could see a secondary rotation this season. It's looking like they're trying to keep EXes from having auto-OHKO attacks or OP abilities. Meaning until everything pre-XY releases, none of it will see use.
  3. thekoggles

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    XY Mega Count: 30 ORAS Mega Count: 16+2 Primals. No they aren't. And XY supports patching. It'll have all of these Mega Pokemon available for use in it once ORAS releases, or shortly after.
  4. thekoggles

    Gengar Spirit Link Holo from Gamestop [10/7]

    What are you talking about? It's two full booster packs and the card. Doesn't need the coin. That, and it's a Gamestop product
  5. thekoggles

    Mega Rayquaza / New OR/AS Info in NicoNico Video Stream [10/2]

    I love the new look! The face scythehorns look odd, but even those are growing on me already. Mega Rayquaza looks absolutely celestially godly. I really wonder what stat changes Rayquaza will get.
  6. thekoggles

    Primal Groudon-EX in 'Hoenn Collection Box' - Product Image! [9/8]

    Or they didn't want to introduce yet another mechanic into Gen 6's TCG cards like that? Mega Evos are their thing for the XY series. It's the mechanic it'll focus on, even if they aren't Megas. The art on that Primal Groudon looks beautiful. And that ability. That's interesting. No...
  7. thekoggles

    Shiny Mega Gengar and Diancie Distributions at Gamestop [9/8]

    You do not have to preorder at all to get these.
  8. thekoggles

    ‘Phantom Forces’ Officially Announced, New Set Details Revealed [9/8]

    I think we're definitely going to see Gengar and M Gengar EX played a lot. Against almost any deck, using their attacks for what may as well be 1 psy and a DCE is powerful. Good revenge killing. Or screwing with people.
  9. thekoggles

    Head Noiser, M Manectric-EX, Chandelure from ‘Phantom Gate’ [8/29]

    But you still have to get the energy to attack, too, which is what made Dark Patch so good with Darkrai and Yveltal.
  10. thekoggles

    Head Noiser, M Manectric-EX, Chandelure from ‘Phantom Gate’ [8/29]

    Somewhat okay? It's not doing anything Dark Patch did. It's not reattaching energy. It's disrupting the opponent's tool play. It's also a tool, instead of an item. Dark Patch merely was energy acceleration, this is a whole new ballpark.
  11. thekoggles

    Head Noiser, M Manectric-EX, Chandelure from ‘Phantom Gate’ [8/29]

    Why would it matter whether Muscle Band is better? You'd be denying your opponent the ability to play Band on them. It attaches to your opponents EXes, not yours. It's a really good disruption card, since there's no easy way to discard your own tools right now(Tool Scraper is gone). It'll...
  12. thekoggles

    'Gengar Spirit Link' Card Revealed! [8/22]

    The interesting thing about this that people aren't seeing is that you don't lose MGengar EX if the tool gets scrapped. MGengar EX is going to be one heck of a versatile card. If Mew's ability was good, MGengar EX's attack is going to be insane. Can you imagine using G-Booster or a...
  13. thekoggles

    ORAS Wally and Mega Gallade

    Well, we did just see Mega Lopunny get announced, a gen 4 Pokemon. So I could see us getting at least one more in the form of Megallade
  14. thekoggles

    'Furious Fists' Launch Kit Promos Revealed [8/8]

    Only that's hardly correct at all. Do the math for a second. Decks are roughly 15$, give or take a little bit. So that's already 120$ of the cost down. We'll say...a dollar or two for each promo. That's 16$ - 32$ down. We'll say 5$ for the holder, as it looks a bit better than cardboard...
  15. thekoggles

    New 'Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire' Mega Evolutions, Details Revealed in 'CoroCoro' [6/7] Anyone else notice that Archie became Batman? Yellow utility belt: CHECK Dark color scheme: CHECK Fringed dark cape: CHECK Full body jumpsuit: CHECK
  16. thekoggles

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    Translations have stated that it is a different form/not regular Groudon/Kyorge. No word on what KIND of different form though. Most likely Megas though, as that's what Gen 6 seems to be about.
  17. thekoggles

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    You have to have the latest update to even play local, if the other person has the update. Furthermore, all you have to do is connect it to wifi anywhere and it'll be pushed to you. Plus, Streetpass can give you the update as well. They thought this through already. Updates will come, no...
  18. thekoggles

    Rogue Deck Discussion

    I've come up with my own type of deck, revolving mostly around Gourgeist and both of it's attacks, coupled with a Sinister Hand Dusknoir or a Hypnotoxic Laser. With just Gourgeist and Laser, it's got the ability to knock out absolutely anything in the game. If status effects are being blocked...
  19. thekoggles

    ALL 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

    The big problem with this is that it's not noticeable enough. I guarantee you'll hear a lot about scams or people miss-estimating the worth of their secret rares from this set.