'Pokemon TCG,' 'Puzzle Challenge' Coming to Virtual Console in November; More ORAS Demo Distribution

I enjoyed playing both games and I'll most likely attempt to download both games onto my 3DS via the Virtual Console shop.

Nostalgia in a cartridge.
I wonder what the odds are of them translating and releasing the TCG sequel on the VC. Probably slim to none. I'd love that though.
PsychedelicBreakfast said:
I wonder what the odds are of them translating and releasing the TCG sequel on the VC. Probably slim to none. I'd love that though.

TCG2 was marvelous. Seriously, besides it's stupid storyline, it was great from start to finish.
If there was local multiplayer functionality this would be friggin' great. My cartridges for the games still work though, so I think I'll be sticking with those.

Great for anyone who hasn't got to play them before.

Nigel said:
Will either of them have multiplayer?

My life savings that they won't. NES games seem to be the only Virtual Console titles with multiplayer.
"Codes will be distributed at select CINEMA locations nationwide from Nov. 7–Nov. 13 (while supplies last)."

Will the diance movie be coming to theaters this year?
OMG it's about time they finally released the TCG game for the eShop. Been complaining about the lack of decent games on the Virtual Console. Not to Nintendo but to myself of course. To get a bonus demo for it too? Nice, but I'd rather wait for the full game although those who got the demo apparently have been saying you can Mega Evolve more than one Pokemon per battle. Is that true?
I'm glad that the Pokemon tcg game will be on the vitual console soon. My cartridge died a while ago so I can't use it. Want this one so bad.

It would be nice to see a virtual release of tcg2, and it could be possible as virtual consoles have always had previously 'exclusive' stuff. That being said I kind of doubt it will happen though.

It would be kind of nice to see the Diancie movie in theatres, but I doubt that too.
The Diancie movie was confirmed for Australian and New Zealand theaters November 8. Hopefully we'll see an announcement for the American release sometime soon, probably for around the same time period.
Kinda wish they made more of the TCG games for all the Nintendo handhelds.
If Yu-Gi-Oh can get a yearly game (at least until very recently) why not Pokemon TCG.
Yes I know they have that online game now, but I can't play it (no real internet besides iPhone).

What's that puzzle game like?
Never played it.

As for the demo, it's great that they are doing it, but it seems kinda silly to extend it to way after the actual game comes out.
Though I guess with Christmas, maybe not everybody is going to grab the game the day it comes out.
MrSquarepants said:
OMG it's about time they finally released the TCG game for the eShop. Been complaining about the lack of decent games on the Virtual Console. Not to Nintendo but to myself of course. To get a bonus demo for it too? Nice, but I'd rather wait for the full game although those who got the demo apparently have been saying you can Mega Evolve more than one Pokemon per battle. Is that true?

No. Just that Primals aren't counted towards Mega evolving
Diancie movie being in theaters makes sense.

And why is Japan the only one getting Steelix ._. Though, TPCi revealing that hints at everyone else will get it too.
Has anyone gotten their hands on the ORAS demo yet? And if so, are there any new Megas to be spoken of?
Pikachu6319 said:
For myself, I haven't received the email with the code for the demo yet.

Just got mine, you should get yours soon. Surprised they only gave out one. I don't get the limited distribution I guess maybe to build up hype? But now I am going to find out about this "you can mega evolve more than one pokemon per battle" rumor.

Nope you can still only mega evolve one Pokemon per battle. the only time there was 2 was when Steven evolved his Metagross. That's cool though to have 2 megas side by side.
I just got my code, but I don't have a 3DS. I would be willing to give it to anyone that doesn't have one yet, just PM me about it, though I don't know if these codes are exclusive to the username it's sent to. Whatever. Don't care too much for ORAS anyway, aside from the Mega's, Character Redesigns, and Primal Clash. :cool: