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  1. K

    Collecting Pokemon TCG Checklist

    I found V.4.7 here: Looks wonderful and works great! Hows does everyone keep track of cards they want to replace? I usually put "replace" in the column next to where you check it off... but when I copy data from...
  2. K

    Collecting Pokemon TCG Checklist

    Hey - so happy to see this document continues to get updated with the newer sets. Thank you everyone for your hard work and dedication to this - it's greatly appreciated. If I can make a suggestion for the next upgrade - I miss seeing the set symbols in the Promo-Kit Reference as it's easier to...
  3. K

    Collecting The "Card Collector Help" Thread

    RE: What does this logo mean? Yes! that's the logo.Hmm... sounds interesting. Thanks for the info
  4. K

    Collecting The "Card Collector Help" Thread

    What does this logo mean? May be a silly question but I can't seem to find an answer to my question anywhere on the internet... so I figure I'll ask here. I just encountered two cards with a logo I've never seen and am wondering if anyone knows its meaning. The first card is a Zebstrika...
  5. K

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello everyone! I joined here to join in on a conversation I was watching in the forums. I was looking for a complete excel spreadsheet of all the pokemon for the trading card game. Found one here that was truly amazing through google searches and wanted to thank the individual who is sharing...
  6. K

    Collecting Pokemon TCG Checklist

    Amazing work and truly appreciate all the work you put into this and the decision to share it publicly. Truly amazing! Just wondering when you'll be updating it to add in the newest set Phantom Forces? I can only imagine how much work, patience and dedication goes into this. I am forever thankful!