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  1. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Nine | Rename the Above Member Vomitous
  2. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Six | Naughty or Nice List normally I would say something like this - naughty because bbninjas likes to rant. but instead because it is my b'day I say that bbninjas should be on the nice list as his jokes are prime, and he's a cool guy.
  3. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations (2+3)/5 = 7-6 11876
  4. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations 8/2+8=3*4 97779
  5. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish Granted, but after your first time playing it broke... and the warranty doesn't cover it. I wish for a revamped version of diamon and pearl
  6. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish granted but then everyone who doesn't believe in christ becomes angry with you and you guessed it... executed I wish to ninja bbninjas everytime they post.
  7. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish granted but then it lasts too long and the entire human race gets too much sun and dies. I wish for a father to share christmas with. (I do have a father just came to mind and it has a christmas theme still)
  8. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish Granted, you got a Liger... pitty it tears you to bits. I wish that bbninjas would stop ranting.
  9. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush an Xmas Wish Granted but at the same time you here everyone thinking terrible thoughts about you. I wish for elf shoes
  10. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush an Xmas Wish Granted but then everything else in life becomes incredibly boring. I wish I had money to buy christmas gifts.
  11. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush an Xmas Wish granted but eventually the trees get sick of you and destroy you. I wish I didn't have to be in Australia for christmas as it is hot and I hate it.
  12. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush an Xmas Wish Granted but Vom comes back the next day with their twin who is twice as bad. I wish that I could be the grinch who stole chistmas.
  13. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Three | Take Or Pass Take slime sounds fun I give a spaceship
  14. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Three | Take Or Pass Pass I already am a ninja. I give the one and only ring
  15. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Three | Take Or Pass pass how is it useful if I don't own a spaceship. I give my full size eludicator (Kirito's black sword)
  16. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Three | Take Or Pass Pass how am I meant to get that home and where would I put them I give my complete set of eevee and eeveelution plush toys. and my kyogre plush.
  17. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Three | Take Or Pass Take because I didn't do mine. I give a set of older games and consoles including a Nintendo64 (some games are Donkey Kong 64, Diddy kong racing, banjo tooie, banjo and kazooi), A playstation 2 (some games are kingdom of hearts 1 and 2...
  18. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Three | Take Or Pass Pass because what use would it be if they didn't block out drohn. I give a life size model of David Bowie that really defines his crotch, a link to Areaology (, and a full collection of David...
  19. bwalker8

    Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

    RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day Three | Take Or Pass Pass Because I don't know what that is. I give a christmas pikachu plush toy.
  20. bwalker8

    Wi-Fi Trades Need Help Cloning Two Pokémon Urgently.

    RE: Need help to clone 2 pokemon urgently Wait so you have two of them? because I got the skarmory still. PM me.