Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

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RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush an Xmas Wish

Granted but at the same time you here everyone thinking terrible thoughts about you.

I wish for elf shoes
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush an Xmas Wish

Granted, but they aren't your size.
I wish I win some auctions on eBay.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush an Xmas Wish

Granted. They are magical elf shoes that once put on they can never be taken off. Pity you bought a ticket for Japan a few weeks ago...

I WISH BWALKER8 WOULD PREVIEW POST BEFORE POSTING. *sigh* <note>The rant has now ended</note>


Granted. Since you are so unexperienced, you bidded way way way above the suggested price, so much that noone could pass it. You went bankrupt and become homeless... but at least you got you wish, right?

I wish for... something unique and interesting but not crude, stupid or ridiculously pathetic.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, you got a Liger... pitty it tears you to bits.

I wish that bbninjas would stop ranting.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but now everyone else rants insatead

I wish for a new 3DS
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but you ddon't have any games for it.
I wish a day lasted longer.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

granted but then it lasts too long and the entire human race gets too much sun and dies.

I wish for a father to share christmas with. (I do have a father just came to mind and it has a christmas theme still)
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but he doesn't get you any presents.

I wish there was still League for Christmas this Thursday. (my League runs on Thursdays but not this week because of Christmas)
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted but nobody shows up because it's Christmas

I wish I didn't have to go to this In-Car
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but I'm not sure what that means.

I wish 800 more people would view my fake cards
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted! Except... those views were Robots created by GadgetJax to get you excited... but don't count to the competition.

I wish that I had better eyesight.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted but your eyesight is too good and you see things that you shouldn't. Then the mafia kills you.

I wish for the world to end on Christmas day.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but the world is in super slow motion that day and lasts for 300 years

I wish for supreme power
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted. And what comes with supreme power? Execution. Ever heard of Queen Marie Antoinette?

I wish for the world to be called Flabagask
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but then you get sued by the people and they execute you.
I wish this didn't end today :p
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but then we don't have any more games for Twelve Days of YPPY.

I wish I didn't procrastinate on most of my Christmas shopping until now.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted because who goes Christmas shopping! Am the only one who doesn't?

I wish I don't ninja bwalker8 and the person that crushes this wish doesn't crush it by saying something similar to 'bwalker ninjas you'.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but a lot of people are ornery so they'll probably say it anyway. :p

I wish that people wouldn't make Christmas into a marketing thing. I say keep the Christ in Christmas!
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

granted but then everyone who doesn't believe in christ becomes angry with you and you guessed it... executed

I wish to ninja bbninjas everytime they post.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but now YOU'RE NINJA'D.

I wish for a booster box of Primal Clash.
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