Finished Twelve Days of YPPY Introduction and Archive

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RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted. Do you prefer Japanese or English? You got Korean.

I wish for a new day.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but a new day would've come in 6 hours anyway (in EST), so your wish essentially did nothing.

I wish I was a high-level SSBM player.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but your character always wears Shrek Crocs

I wish that Members won Count to X
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted. Except... all of the Members are also known as Mods and there you have it: a Paradox.

I wish I could fully understand Paradoxes.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but since that is a paradox in order to do that you can't be a human anymore since a human can't do that. So you become a being that is trapped in another dimension (and has no special powers). The dimension is a non-space and as a non-living being your life is eternal and you don't sleep so you spend eternity in a non-space with no movement options and only your thoughts to entertain you.

I wish for a New 3DS.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but after your first time playing it broke... and the warranty doesn't cover it.

I wish for a revamped version of diamon and pearl
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted... in a few years time.

I wish for a nice time with my 5 or so friends today.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but it was all just a dream because you have no friends.
I wish bbninjas had friends.
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but they were with him only to ninja him.
I wish to ninja bbninjas.
*bbninjas officially becomes a wish topic*
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish



I wish that bbninjas would stop becoming a wish topic.

*close it now mods :p*
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 4 | Crush a Christmas Wish

Granted, but the next Christmas YPPY game is going to be so different that you'll never understand it! =D

That being said, this game is now closed. The next game will be live shortly.

If you'd like to discuss this game (or any other Christmas YPPY games), feel free to use the General Discussion thread.
Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations

On the fifth day of YPPY my true love gave to me:
Four Calling Crush a Wish Pidgeys
Three Kalos Take Or Pass Combuskens
Two Tirtouga Bad Holiday Jokes Pidove(s)
and The Ban Game in a Lum Tree​

Welcome to the fifth game of the Twelve Days of YPPY, an event that is running up until Christmas Eve. You can find more details about it here. Today, we have a recent favourite of the members, created by [member]Teal[/member].

In this game, you have to help Delibird calculate how long it will take to get to each house on Christmas Eve. At the end of your post, you will give the next poster 5 random numbers from 0-9. At the beginning of your post, you will use the 5 numbers the above member gave you, any amount of + - / * ^ ( ), and one = to make an equation. (Plus, minus, division, multiplication, exponent, parentheses.)

2 + 4 + 7 = 8 + 5

As with all other Twelve Days of YPPY games, the YPPY rule applies to this game. You must wait for two other people to post after your previous post before you may post again.

To start the game, try this:
RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations

This game... yay.


(9-8)x2+4 = 6

RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations


RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations

THAT WRONG!!!! That wrong.

7/7/7 = 9/9 aka 1/7 = 1 aka 0.14 = 1

9-8 = 1^(2+6)

*blinkblinkblink* That's the second mistake in less then 5 hours... .-.
If you can be bothered...

RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations

You didn't give my any numbers to do math with. Also, you didn't have to put that in capital letters with 4 exclamation points after it. JS.

RE: Twelve Days of YPPY | Day 5 | Delibird's Delivery Calculations


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