Search results

  1. UrsaMajor

    Help me build a team around Ursaring!

    I'm not all that worried. I really just want something I can play at league and such with and the occasional side event maybe. I do like Camerupt, might be a good candidate.
  2. UrsaMajor

    Help me build a team around Ursaring!

    I haven't really a preference for a mega yet, clueless on what's good as well as what's good for my team. I've got next to no knowledge on what people use nowadays.
  3. UrsaMajor

    Help me build a team around Ursaring!

    Hello! I'm a bit new to the competitive side of the VGC, mostly I've been working on my national/living dex. I've played the TCG competitively for awhile now and figured I'd like to start the VGC as well. I know most the terms now such as EV's, natures and IV's (vaguely). So I suppose now I'm...