Search results

  1. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes The Fakers' Marathon 7 - 1,748 points!

    I've done Plasma cards and Omnium cards for past Fakers' Marathons, but never both at the same time! Many thanks to @Pone for the blank, to @aschefield101 for the holosheet, to the Surging Sparks wallpaper collection (probably either 5ban or PLANETA?) for the art, and to Archaludon for...
  2. Jabberwock

    Contest March 2024 CaC: Kalos Pokédex (Stay Tuned for Results!)

    And I think we can safely call it a wrap now! Stay tuned for results at the end of the month!
  3. Jabberwock

    Contest March 2024 CaC: Kalos Pokédex (Stay Tuned for Results!)

    That's what Nemes is asking. The answer is that forms introduced in other generations can be fair game at each entrant's discretion, but it's up to you to justify how. If you plan on making a super cool card that showcases Kalos using a Pokémon form introduced two generations later, then more...
  4. Jabberwock

    Contest March 2024 CaC: Kalos Pokédex (Stay Tuned for Results!)

    I think this is a case where you would have to use your best judgment. The spirit of the theme is to "revisit Kalos through the lens of any Kalosian Pokémon you like" — if you believe in your ability to do that with a Gigantamax Pikachu, then by all means go for it. :)
  5. Jabberwock

    Contest March 2024 CaC: Kalos Pokédex (Stay Tuned for Results!)

    Welcome to the March 2024 round of the Create-a-Card! This month’s theme is Kalos Pokédex. I fully expected to be running a Black & White–focused theme right about now. However, with the announcement of Pokémon Legends: Z–A last week, it seems Game Freak has other plans — we’re making a return...
  6. Jabberwock

    Contest January 2024 CaC: Level Ball (Image Results Up!)

    Image-Based Results Judge: @Jabberwock Well, two months in, happy New Year, everybody! I know a lot of you felt the time crunch on this round, and I figure that’s probably for a whole variety of reasons. The beginning of the year can be a chaotic time. But you all brought fantastic ideas to...
  7. Jabberwock

    Contest January 2024 CaC: Level Ball (Image Results Up!)

    Aaaand with that, I think we can safely call this a wrap on the January round! Stay tuned for results at the end of the month!
  8. Jabberwock

    Contest January 2024 CaC: Level Ball (Image Results Up!)

    Welcome to the January 2024 round of the Create-a-Card! Happy New Year, everyone! This month’s theme is Level Ball. HP levels are hardly a constant in the Pokémon TCG: the highest HP on a Base Set card, 120, pales in comparison to the ever-increasing maximum of today. Fewer and fewer playable...
  9. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes The Fakers' Marathon 6 - 1,185 points!

    A hasty last-minute fake! Thanks to Steve K on our Discord for his always-amazing artwork. :D I've also fixed a couple things in the Dark Tinkaton I posted before, which I've edited into the post. Thanks for pointing them out, all!
  10. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes The Fakers' Marathon 6 - 1,185 points!

    A Dark Tinkaton with art by dA's Marcos-A-Rodrigues! The effect comes from a conversation I had with a friend of mine the other day about an effect we decided would be a blast to play on a real card. We'll see if I have time to make another Tinkaton before the deadline to really cash in on the...
  11. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes The Fakers' Marathon 6 - 1,185 points!

    A Delta Dusknoir line with a trio of illustrations I've had my eye on for a while — thanks to our server's Steve K and dA's All0412 and Autobot!
  12. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes The Fakers' Marathon 6 - 1,185 points!

    A line for day one! Thanks to awesomegoats on dA for the Blitzle/Zebstrika art! The LV.X art is from a BLW booster pack art / wallpaper. Blitzle's first attack is from an old Blitzle PMJ made for his SM set High Stakes. Check it out! :D
  13. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes My first Fake TCG Set! Brilliant Beginnings!

    Sure! A lot of us are on deviantART, which can be a great place to share both custom cards and illustrations that could conceivably be used on custom cards. You can DM artists on dA to ask for permission, and most of them (if they're still active) are happy to give it. Alternatively, the custom...
  14. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes My first Fake TCG Set! Brilliant Beginnings!

    Hey ThePokemonGuardian, congrats on starting a new set! Unfortunately, though, your cards are missing illustrator credit (the "Illus." text that appears in the bottom left on modern cards). To mitigate art theft, we require that for all cards posted here, you obtain permission from the artist to...
  15. Jabberwock

    Contest September 2023 CaC: Attacking for Free (All Results Up!)

    Image-Based Results Judge: @Jabberwock I apologize again for the late scores this round! There will be no December round out of respect to our yearly Fakers’ Marathon, but we’ll see if we can’t set up some sort of Flash CaC on Discord to tide everyone over till then. This month saw a good...
  16. Jabberwock

    Contest September 2023 CaC: Attacking for Free (All Results Up!)

    I appreciate your patience, @Jaxolotl and everyone else. I've been in the middle of a particularly hectic set of applications lately, and have had much less time than usual to work on CaC this and last month. I know how frustrating it is to wait on new rounds of this contest — right after I...
  17. Jabberwock

    Contest September 2023 CaC: Attacking for Free (All Results Up!)

    I like to give a little grace period for late entries — timezones and poor planning shouldn't be a reason to get disqualified. But you can take this comment as official notice! This round is now over, and results will be coming at the end of the month!
  18. Jabberwock

    Contest September 2023 CaC: Attacking for Free (All Results Up!)

    Yep — as long as the Pokémon can attack for free under at least some circumstances, it ticks the box for this theme.
  19. Jabberwock

    TCG Fakes Big bunch of cool cards

    Rellor's flavor text made me laugh. I particularly like the Gengar line, particularly the interplay between Blursed Drop (great one-Energy effect for an evolving Basic!) and Gengar's quadrupling attack. A lot of these cards have super interesting effects that don't strain belief at all to...
  20. Jabberwock

    Contest June/July 2023 CaC: Special Energy Swap (All Results Up!)

    I think that's a fair interpretation, but my point was more that C/O is a two-part category — we often call it "Creativity" as a shorthand, but originality is just as important. While there are many creative ways to adapt a VG effect to the TCG, the most original entries are typically those that...