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  1. Guardian of Aura

    (1) Nintendo Follow-Up [9/21]

    @Volcanflame Me too. :P
  2. Guardian of Aura

    (1) Nintendo Follow-Up [9/21]

    I imagine they just target them because they are the most known fan sites, at least that I know of.
  3. Guardian of Aura

    (1) Nintendo Follow-Up [9/21]

    100% agree with you WPM! Sites like yours keep me interested in Pokemon, and make me buy their products. Dumbass Nintendo. I could see if they emailed you weeks ago when things were leaking, but now, now that it is officially released in Japan, they have no argument. You disappoint me Nintendo...
  4. Guardian of Aura

    BW/BW2 Version exclusives

    Really figures ... the only Pokemon I wanted to use from the new Gen were Buggli and Power Ranger, figures their on Black. Sonuva!!!
  5. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    You could buy it ...
  6. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    Eeveelv99 made perfect sense. They easily could released it worldwide if they cared enough.
  7. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    @ alypkmn If you don't want spoils. Don't look it up, simple. End of discussion.
  8. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    @Luigi08 I agree completely. Without sites like Pokebeach and Serebii, I wouldn't own a copy of EVERY Pokemon game, and I wouldn't have started playing the TCG.
  9. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    I hope they realize their mistake soon. They have a lot of upset fans right now.
  10. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    @Sweet Dawn Berlitz Exactly my point. They should have done it when it was unreleased. Now that it is released. They have no argument.
  11. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    @alypkmn You see no problem in Nintendo scolding fansites to something that's alright for Japanese people to look at, but us Americans, nah bro, we can't see. It's a FANSITE! We come here to learn about and love Pokemon! We should have the rights to be able to view them, especially since it is...
  12. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo ... /shakes head in disappointment
  13. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    Oh and my banner >:|
  14. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    Everyone feel free to use my Avatar. >:|
  15. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    I censored my sig accordingly...
  16. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    I just don't see why it should matter. I mean, can you imagine! "People like our franchise so much that they are buying the Japanese version and then showing their friends, we better take legal action!!!" Nintendo ... think a little harder about what you did ... stupid!
  17. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    @Ryu Shoji Why be professional? It doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. Just because we are on a different continent shouldn't mean shit. Why should the Japanese get to have all the fun?
  18. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    Digimon! HAHA. Awesome! I'd do it in a heartbeat. That's hilarious.
  19. Guardian of Aura

    (1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

    That is bullshit WPM. What are pictures gonna do, besides HELP them sell their game. My respect for Nintendo has dropped by 25 points. What a bunch of dumb asses. >:|