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  1. Wobawoba21

    Trevenant BREAK

    I've been testing the variant with mega alakazam and to me it works well, yes it does take a way the count of certain cards (head ringer , burst balloon,etc.) but It def does help when used right to get quicker k.os, the con I can agree with is not having item lock first turn or second because...
  2. Wobawoba21

    Standard Lucario Fight Alone

    Nice I'll def give that a shot , what's your take on assault vest?? I saw a few list with it seems interesting or maybe burst balloon? I'd def try slice and muscle bands that def seems needed
  3. Wobawoba21

    Standard ZamBats v0.0 (M Alakazam EX / Crobat)

    I run a similar deck but with 2 absol (no bats ) absol is clutch to make what wouldn't be a ohko possible , also I tried running 3 dimension valley and one sky field because the bench can get clunky plus if they counter it u can get rid of unwanted exes (hoopa, shaymin) I've tested against yzg...
  4. Wobawoba21

    Standard Lucario Fight Alone

    I've been play testing alittle and it hits good numbers early on but if your opponent can maintain the bench it does bad late game u less you can clutch target whistle a few times I find some games I get certain resources when I don't need them definitely gonna modify list a few
  5. Wobawoba21

    Standard Lucario EX / Crobat

    Yeah I'd say 2 zygarde and keep one Lucario to have another option if your facing a grass deck
  6. Wobawoba21

    Standard Lucario Fight Alone

    No I play tested yesterday and def need to pair it with something else at times the bench management is hard to keep high on my opponents side I was thinking of adding 2-3 dialga ex and bronzong lines and bring lucario down to 2-2
  7. Wobawoba21

    Standard Lucario Fight Alone

    I def agree any ideas on an attacker I may add and I didn't think about handy work that's true I'll probably remove that Yes I forgot to add that into the list I was in a rush at work def makes sense , I'm still struggling to find an attacker
  8. Wobawoba21

    Standard Lucario Fight Alone

    Sooooo I really like this Lucario and want to make it work, this is a skeleton list I came up with...let me know what you think , changes to be made to make it better , your feedback if you run similar deck ANYTHING !!! Here's the list Pokemon (14) 4 Riolu 4 Lucario 4 unown 2 Shaymin EX...
  9. Wobawoba21

    Standard Flame Storm (Delphox BREAK / Shaymin EX)

    I've been running a similar deck but with 2 float stone im curious of how it works without it is it really needed I figured maybe not because you can retreat than blacksmith , feedback appreciated
  10. Wobawoba21

    Talonflame BREAK, Captivating Pokepuff Promos!

    It works good with the new Lucario to maximize damage as well
  11. Wobawoba21

    Rumor Control: 'Base Set' is Not Confirmed to be Reprinted at This Time

    Yeah thee was supposedly a law suit because his resemblance to a magician or his name something like that , that's the reason that ( I forgot what pack) they made an Abra that had ana track that made it evolve to alakazam and skip kadabra
  12. Wobawoba21

    Discussion Would Night March pair well with Bronzong and / or Gallade?

    Thanks I like this combo just don't know how it matches up against girantina but thanks Yeah I'm gonna try this combo at a league challenger around my way this weekend , thanks
  13. Wobawoba21

    Discussion Would Night March pair well with Bronzong and / or Gallade?

    Agreed it's all trial and error, I just wanted ideas from players who played/play night March for ideas I got a list in mind now that I'll test, thanks a lot.
  14. Wobawoba21

    Discussion Would Night March pair well with Bronzong and / or Gallade?

    Vespiqueen and milotic with night March? Or as a whole separate deck?? And stardust jirachi???
  15. Wobawoba21

    Discussion Would Night March pair well with Bronzong and / or Gallade?

    Yeah I agree I've been trying it online but only had a 1-1 line bronzong bronzor , maybe I'll up it 2-2, I also added bunnelby to recover dce from discard pile but might not be needed if I up bronzong line , and I'd like add a acro bike to with the addition of judge and possibly reserved...
  16. Wobawoba21

    Discussion Would Night March pair well with Bronzong and / or Gallade?

    I'm debating on playing Night March for Cities coming up in a few weeks around my way. I would like your feedback on whether to pair it with Bronzong to help against Girantina match ups, or Gallade to take advantage of Premonition and my probability of always having a DCE?? Or perhaps both??? Or...
  17. Wobawoba21

    Discussion Viability of Stardust Jirachi

    Where can I get this card???
  18. Wobawoba21

    Standard Wobbats! (Wobbuffet / Crobat)

    I think that's good because you still have ultra ball and other supporters to discard potential supporters that will help late game for the vs seeker,, if you do decide to play escape rope I'd say maybe remove a judge or Bridgette leaning more towards Bridgette because once you use one it pretty...
  19. Wobawoba21

    Standard Wobbats! (Wobbuffet / Crobat)

    True I agree but atleast one miltank adds for some kind of attacker if bats are already down and there's no scoop ups or az in hand where as wo buffet would have to do with damage counters already on (or not on a Pokemon) miltank can get a good one for 80-100