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  1. Verioth

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Donks have always been part of the Meta so I dont understand the issue. I guess we will have to wait for the cards to come out because zoroark and Raichu break look pretty impressive to me. I have seen people turn around a unknown opening hand into sweeping with a good deck.
  2. Verioth

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Lvl X cards were some of the best cards in the format that came in the GE era. And Great Encounters to HGSS block was considered one of the best blocks by most players. People don't understand them but when more come out and people make brews out of the meta people will see the worth in them. I...