'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

I'm digging a lot of the stage 2's in this set. Namely Chesnaught, Empoleon, Typhlosion, and Gallade. Chesnaught with Forretress or Bats could be pretty beastly (like it's artwork. So much rage!) Empoleon can fit into decks thanks to Archie if you really wanted to. Typhlosion on it's own is okay, but in expanded, it's almost required to run Pokedex. Gallade, I think is one of the best cards in the set. Maxie accessible, cheap attack that is strong, and a nice Ability (albeit situational). Really nice if you want a Fighting type tech that only requires a DCE. Also I think it pairs very well with Typhlosion.
Is anyone else noticing how they neglected to make a special energy for water types? Fire and water were the last two types to get a special energy of their own and I thought for sure that in Blue Impact they would print an Ocean Energy or something. Are they waiting til next set? Is water even getting a special energy? I think it would be cool to see Ocean Energy that: When you attach this energy from your hand to one of your water Pokemon, move a water energy from one of your other Pokemon in play to another water pokemon in play. Obviously it would be worded a lot better, but that's just my opinion.
So SR trainers are out? I would have preferred them over Mewtwo #9 and #10. I'm not a fan of having multiple Pokemon on a FA, which is a shame because Mewtwo itself on the SRs looks much better than the art on the other FAs.
Only Two Secret Rares are in this set, and which are the Mewtwo and its companions.
I love the whole set,I'm so excited to see them in English in November. Pls. Pokebeach,do some scans of the XY-Break Through a month after this,so I'll be surprised and know some of the cards that is not present on this set,especially the reprints of the Trainers because we see only few Trainers cards on this set so,we expect on that. Pls. scans,huh! Not just like on the time of Ancient Origins.
I have some disadvantage on this set:I expect Delphox and Greninja in XY8 but unfortunately,they're not there.
In general,I like these and I love to use them in play.
Just my opinion but... these are the ugliest full arts I have ever seen in a set, especially the Mewtwo secret rares... Gag! M Houndoom looks cool at least.

Shame, I loved the full arts from the previous 3 sets, they were incredible. I probably won't spend any money on this one.
Based on the pictures I doubt I'll bother collecting this set, just 4 exs and why is the set so big with the lack of new pokemon exs?

Also the artwork is kind of terrible, on the full arts especially. I don't think any of these full arts improve on the Next Destinies version.

After Ancient Origins this set is really a disaster. Not to mention the spelling error on the full art, is Pokemon trying anymore?
Cool Vanilluxe! I'll add it to my Ultimate Blocker II where it consists of Giratina,Vileplume,and Trevenant

Based on the pictures I doubt I'll bother collecting this set, just 4 exs and why is the set so big with the lack of new pokemon exs?

Also the artwork is kind of terrible, on the full arts especially. I don't think any of these full arts improve on the Next Destinies version.

After Ancient Origins this set is really a disaster. Not to mention the spelling error on the full art, is Pokemon trying anymore?
About the EXes,dude,They're now focus on the BREAK cards.

I like the theme of this set. It is focus on the city and the people.
I'm so excited for the reprint of the item card for this set.My bet for reprint is Muscle Band.
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That empoleon tho? If its ability stacks thats such insane and universally accessible damage boosting, Im kinda surprised it exists- there are like a billion different deck ideas that can make use of it, not to mention its archie compatible. Some fun combinations could include :
-Delta Plus Articuno (2 empoleons, muscle band, and giovanni and you hit for 100-220)
-Roaring Skies Zekrom (really cheap and self-accelerating attacks- 30 for 1 or 100 for 4)
-any EX??

I bet you could even do a toolbox style deck, but just with big basics of various types that use colorless energy, always hitting for weakness whilst also running a couple of lugia EX/Seismitoad EX as big backup attackers.
Honestly no surprise here at all, but I'm glad they finally said something so all those wishful thinkers can go home now.
WPM said:
(unless their secret plan with BREAK Pokemon is to more entice collectors than it is to be a serious gameplay mechanic.)

If this was the plan, it was even a worse fail than making them competitive. Most of the collectors I know strongly dislike the design of the BREAK cards. It's enough to make me wonder if I want to keep collecting or if I should wait this era out.
If this was the plan, it was even a worse fail than making them competitive. Most of the collectors I know strongly dislike the design of the BREAK cards. It's enough to make me wonder if I want to keep collecting or if I should wait this era out.
Exactly... I'm a collector and a competitive player too, and I hate BREAK cards. Artworks are ugly and flat, and they're not competitive at all. Even the "best" of them, are too slow to play... while you try to play these stage 3's, the opponent has the time to travel the world before defeat you.

I hope they will end this era as soon as possible, recognizing the "hole in the water" they did... and of course, since they are not complete cards, they cannot be placed in the bench with Archie's and Maxie's.
I personally don't care for break cards right now, as it doesn't really add much of a Mechanic to the game. I never exactly played the game in the Lv. X Era, but it looks like basically the same thing, except for aesthetics - which I feel is, in one sense, gilding the lily on already good pokemon designs.

Now, if they created a Lilligant Break card, "Gilding the Lily" would be truly literal! :p
Remember that it took a few sets and ultimately Spirit Links for Mega Evolutions to see much competitive play. I think PCL is probably testing the waters and there's a good chance we'll see support for BREAK evolutions in the future once there's a better sense of balance issues.
Lvl X cards were some of the best cards in the format that came in the GE era. And Great Encounters to HGSS block was considered one of the best blocks by most players. People don't understand them but when more come out and people make brews out of the meta people will see the worth in them. I am excited and this makes me want to get back into the TCG.


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I don't see BREAK doing much, even in later sets. They've failed to make stage 2s better for how long now? How are we to expect stage 3 to ever be playable competitively?

Either BREAK will be a failed idea, or the support given later will BREAK them to the point we wish they stayed crap. That's just my prediction.
Lvl X cards were some of the best cards in the format that came in the GE era. And Great Encounters to HGSS block was considered one of the best blocks by most players. People don't understand them but when more come out and people make brews out of the meta people will see the worth in them. I am excited and this makes me want to get back into the TCG.
Yes, but there was no EX Pokémon around. Now, with big powerful basic EX Pokémon, I see no play for stage 3's, since it's hard to play even "normal" stage 2 cards. From the basic to the stage 3 (even with the help of Rare Candy), I see donks like there's no tomorrow.