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  1. FatJesus

    Standard Turtonator GX / Volcanion EX (V1.0)

    I would add a few Baby Volcanion and a Ho-oh. I know you're not keen on Ho-oh, but baby Volcs can attack and accelerate energies from the discard. Plus, I think three Turtonator GX and three Volcanion EX (I run 2x Turt/3x Volc) is more than enough fire power. A first turn Kiawe on Ho-oh is just...
  2. FatJesus

    Discussion Turtonator vs. Ho-oh in Volcanion

    I run 2x Turtonator and 1x Ho-oh. Ho-oh is great for Kiawe, but you can slow set up Volcanion EX/Turtonator almost anytime else. Ho-oh is great for hitting hard early/late, while Turt is great to set-up whenever. I tend to set up Volcanions and Turtonators first, over Ho-oh, unless I get a...
  3. FatJesus

    Standard Sauna Time (Volcanion EX)

    This would be going back to almost my original trainer structure. I think two Brooklet Hill is perfect, I've used a late game BH/Field Blower to disrupt Altar of the Sunne/Moon in a couple matches, so even if I have all the basics I need, a late Brooklet Hill isn't awful. Thanks for the advice...
  4. FatJesus

    Discussion Kiawe... When and How...

    I run two. I tested with three and I always felt like I was holding one in my hand right after I used another. Great turn one card or for mid-game, but having to use more than one or two per-game--I think--hurts more than helps.
  5. FatJesus

    Standard Sauna Time (Volcanion EX)

    Tested out removing the Brooklet Hills, adding two Kiawe and I took out Stretcher for a Kukui. I also took out 2 Energy for 2 DCE. I feel like the DCE's clogged my hands too much and I think 3 Kiawe lead to the same problem as DCE. So I ended up keeping 2 Brooklet Hills and energies as they...
  6. FatJesus

    Standard Sauna Time (Volcanion EX)

    That was my exact Trainer line-up in my first build, but it runs a little differently without two Lele's at my disposal. Thanks for the tip!
  7. FatJesus

    Standard Sauna Time (Volcanion EX)

    It's a pretty standard Volcanion EX deck. Looking for a couple Lele's. This has been winning a lot so I'll keep OP updated to when I make changes. ----- Initial build: 2x Lillie, 4x N and 3x Brooklet Hill. Update #1: Took out 1x Lillie, 1x N, 1x Brooklet Hill for 1x Acerola, 1x Kiawe and 1x...
  8. FatJesus

    Event PokeBeach's September 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? FatJesus What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) Did you play in August’s tournament? CST If...