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  1. Naner

    Standard Mega Gyarados

    Energy Recycler, let me shuffle 5 energies back to my deck. Usually it helps when my first mega gyarados dies. Because for this deck we are running only 10 energies, this card is a must. Lysandre is optional, I always play with 2 on my decks, but it could be removed for a ninja boy for example...
  2. Naner

    Standard Mega Gyarados

    Lysandre, Hex (for carbink), Ranger (for Regice). It should be enough. I'm thinking about it a lot. An extra manaphy can help a lot. Ninja boy is also a good card to have, what would you remove ? I think I can remove 1 Sycamore.. but every thing else is extremely needed
  3. Naner

    Standard Mega Gyarados

    Hi folks, Today I'll post the deck that I'm training with ! So far, I had excellent results ! It plays very well against current meta and I'll explain it bellow. First the deck: Pokemon (11) -3 Gyarados Ex (BKP) -3 M Gyarados EX (BKP) -1 Manaphy EX (BKP) -1 Shaymin EX (ROS) -2 Palkia EX (BKP)...
  4. Naner

    Standard Naner's Speed Mega Mewtwo X/Y

    Pokemons 2 Shaymin EX 1 Hoopa Ex 2 Carbink Break 3 Mewtwo Ex (damage swap) 1 Mega Mewtwo Y 2 Mega Mewtwo X Trainers 4 Vs Seeker 4 Max Elixir 3 Mega Turbo 1 Super Rod 3 Trainers Mail 4 Ultra Ball 2 Lysandre 3 Sycamore 2 N 1 Giovanis Scheme 3 Shrine of memory 3 Mewtwo Spirit...
  5. Naner

    Standard Mega Gyardos (would appreciate input)

    Clawtizer can only accelerate special energies, and you have only 2 DCE in the deck...
  6. Naner

    Standard Speed Zygarde

    Thanks for all this useful information ! About draw options, the deck already has 2 shaymins. =) You may have missed it. I can't remove regirock or strong energy, they add up to the magical numbers. One more carbink would not be good. My ideal starter is Zygarde itself, which can deliver huge...
  7. Naner

    Standard Dare to Enter the Forest: PRC-On (M Sceptile/M Beedrill)

    Instead of dropping of Sceptile, you could use 2 spirit links for each one, because you can reuse then with weavile, reduce your grass stadium by 1, and try to fit a 1-1 line just in case.
  8. Naner

    Standard Toxic Fury (Machamp EX / Ariados / Raticate BREAK)

    This is tagged as standard. It should be expanded.
  9. Naner

    Standard Speed Zygarde

    In fact I tried that before and the weakness policy proved to be more valuable against grass match-ups. And if we remove it, we are running a little bit low on tools to use the weavile gimmick. Weakness policy is there just to give you more power to adapt against bad situations. Another example...
  10. Naner

    Standard Dare to Enter the Forest: PRC-On (M Sceptile/M Beedrill)

    just what if, you adapt it to run 2-2 weavile line, so you can get ride of the spirit links, run float stones on mega sceptile and be able top move then around, which would prevent lysandre on your hoopa (which maybe a major problem atm). With weavile you could add some useful tools like...
  11. Naner

    Standard Speed Zygarde

    Pokemons 3x Zygarde EX (FAC) 3x Regirox EX (FAC) 1x Hoopa EX 2x Carbink (wall against EXs) 2x Carbink break 2x Sneasel (STS) 2x Weavile (STS) 2x Shaymin EX (ROS) Trainers 4x VS Seeker 3x Max Elixir 3x Ultraball 1x Super Rod 3x Fury Belt 3x Sycamore 2x N 2x Lysandre 2x float...
  12. Naner

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    What is your PTCGO screen name? Kvothe_ What timezone do you live in? (BRT-3) Did you participate in last month’s tournament? If so, were you dropped from it? No Did you make at least two discussion posts on the forums during last month? Yes. Do you promise to make at least two discussion...