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  1. Fr_z_n

    Standard Raichu Crawdaunt Bats

    I would add in a Giovanni's Scheme for the 180.
  2. Fr_z_n

    Standard A Bee, Some Keys and Sometimes Unown

    -4 Pokemon Center Lady
  3. Fr_z_n

    Standard Rodents & Shrooms - Raichu/Foongus

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 15 * 1 Minccino FAC 86 * 1 Mr. Mime GEN 52 * 4 Foongus STS 12 * 1 Amoonguss STS 13 * 4 Pikachu GEN 129 * 4 Raichu GEN 109 ##Trainer Cards - 41 * 1 Super Rod BKT 149 * 4 Poké Ball KSS 35 * 3 Level Ball AOR 76 * 2 Revitalizer GEN 70...
  4. Fr_z_n

    Standard Raichu Garbordor Deck

    Octillery is definitely not a replacement for Shaymin, they just don't perform the same task, though it may help in the long run to recover from a Parallel. The problem is that Raichu needs to be explosive; playing down Sky Field and multiple Pokemon quickly to reach the OHKO. Shaymin fulfills...
  5. Fr_z_n

    Standard The Creep Show at Sea! (Talonflame/Gengar/P-Kyrogre)

    I do run 4 maintenance. But I've had those times where my maintenance is the last play I need to make to get down to Maxie's and it just draws an unplayable card.
  6. Fr_z_n

    Standard The Creep Show at Sea! (Talonflame/Gengar/P-Kyrogre)

    Unfortunately it may struggle to hit the Archie's due to those Talonflame. They become very dead cards in your hand after the start and the only way out is to Ultra Ball it. This may cause you to miss the Archie by one card. I pay Armaldo with Maxie's and Talonflames and it's very explosive...
  7. Fr_z_n

    Standard 'LURE' Lucario Unown Revive Engine

    My personal take on Fight Alone Lucario ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 11 * 4 Riolu FAC 45 * 4 Lucario FAC 63 * 3 Unown AOR 30 ##Trainer Cards - 41 * 4 Captivating Poké Puff STS 99 * 3 Buddy-Buddy Rescue BKT 135 * 3 Revive ROS 88 * 4 Trainers' Mail AOR 100 * 3...
  8. Fr_z_n

    Standard M Venusaur-EX/Garbodor

    I'm not a fan of the Talonflame here. It's excellent with Heavy Stage lines, Greninja and such, as well as Fossils but when two thirds of your starters are not Talonflame you're really pushing your luck on having 4 really dead cards floating around your deck.
  9. Fr_z_n

    Standard Arceus / Parasect - Fun Deck

    Pokemon: 13 4 Arceus 3 Paras 3 Parasect 2 Foongus 1 Amoonguss Trainers: 38 4 Forest of Giant Plants 4 Poke Ball 3 Level Ball 4 Crushing Hammer 4 Trainer's Mail 1 Revitalizer 1 Energy Recycler 1 Super Rod 3 EXP Share 3 VS Seeker 1 Brock's Guts (Available next Expansion) 3 Professor Sycamore 3 N...
  10. Fr_z_n

    Standard "Drill Change" - Genesect EX / Excadrill

    I wouldn't be worried about Flareon since it doesn't matter if it hits Excadrill then it'll die no matter the weakness. It's also slow without using baby Volcanion to accelerate the bench to allow Flareon to Flash Fire.
  11. Fr_z_n

    Standard "Drill Change" - Genesect EX / Excadrill

    Playing 1 Super Rod and 1 Energy Recycler. For Fire I assume you're meaning Volcanion since there's nothing else too prominent right now. If they start with baby Volcanion then you can hit 50 damage then 100 next turn for the KO. If they don't start with baby Volcanion then you have the...
  12. Fr_z_n

    Standard Maxie's Hidden Armaldo

    Pokemon: 13 4 Talonflame (STS 96) 1 Carbink (FCO 50) 1 Carbink BREAK (FCO 51) 4 Anorith (STS 56) 3 Armaldo (STS 57) Trainers: 40 4 Claw Fossil Anorith 4 Maintenance 4 Trainer's Mail 4 Acrobike 2 Special Charge 1 Super Rod 1 Eco Arm 3 Bursting Balloon 1 Float Stone 3 Ultra Ball 4 VS Seeker 2...
  13. Fr_z_n

    Standard "Drill Change" - Genesect EX / Excadrill

    Pokemon: 12 4 Drilbur (PRC 89) 4 Excadrill (PRC 97) 2 Genesect-EX (FCO 64) 2 Shaymin-EX (ROS 77) Trainers: 36 4 Trainer's Mail 4 Ultra Ball 4 Max Elixir 1 Energy Recycler 1 Super Rod 1 Level Ball 3 Exp Share 2 Float Stone 2 Fighting Fury Belt 4 VS Seeker 2 Parallel City 2 Lysandre 2 N 4...